The GeoNext conference has shared the winning solutions of the 2015 Hackfest.
As part of GeoNext 2015, the NGIS and Google Maps forums will show...
The weekend marked the opening of the GeoNext Hackfest, with additional money up...2015-08-04
The GeoNext Hackfest will be launched on 29 July 2015 at ThoughtWorks Melbourne.2015-07-21
ADVERTISEMENTThe full conference program has been released for GeoNext 2015, to be held...2015-06-09
The next round of speakers have been announced for the GeoNext conference in...2015-04-21
The SSSI Vic. Spatial Summit and GeoNext 2015 have joined forces to provide...2015-04-07
Call for papers for the 2015 GeoNext conference close on February 27.2015-02-17
The GeoNext 2015 Call For Papers closes on February 27.2015-01-20
The 2015 GeoNext Conference, hitting Melbourne next August, has announced a call for...2014-12-02
Steven Ramage, former managing director of Ordnance Survey International, has joined what3words.2014-11-04
GeoNext 2015’s exciting Melbourne-based program features speakers from What3Words and LINZ.2014-10-28
Geepers has announced new board members, as well as its consumer-focused people-tracking app.2014-06-10
Missing MH370; GeoNext write-up; Tournament Earth; SA’s drone fleet; time adjustments; 3D selfies2014-03-18
The winners of the GeoNext hack contest were announced at the conference last...2014-03-04
The forward thinkers, innovators, and tinkerers of the spatial industry will converge next...2014-02-18
The winner of the Position/Spatial Source reader survey competition has been announced.2014-02-18
AURIN will be running a free post-GeoNext workshop on Thursday 27th February.2014-02-11
GeoNext has announced a Hack Contest, and that HERE is the Platinum Sponsor...2014-01-21
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The dataset includes 86 million km of roads worldwide and is...Leading geospatial experts say the time is right for Austral...Hexagon says the deal will help set new standards for accura...Australian researchers have developed a navigation system th...Digital Twin Victoria is seeking input from the geospatial s...© 2025 Spatial Source. All Rights Reserved.
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