Have your say in the future of the spatial industry

By on 11 October, 2016


Spatial leaders in Australia are being called upon to have their say in the future of arguably Australia’s most innovative industry.

The 2026 Spatial Industry Transformation and Growth Agenda (2026Agenda) is a unique opportunity for the spatial sector to realise its potential as a thriving and profitable sector. As part of its next phase, the Agenda is seeking to identify the critical initiatives needed to grow our industry – encompassing private sector, government, academia and spatial-user organisations – and as such is looking for informed opinions from the industry.

The 2026Agenda was established earlier in 2016, to address a claim by Price Waterhouse Coopers that Australia’s spatial industry was at risk of missing spatial opportunities.

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As part of the Agenda’s first stage of in-sector consultation, it was found that 95% of those interviewed believe spatial technology organisations in Australia are either not achieving growth potential, or that growth opportunities are being captured by other industry sectors.

These initial insights will be further examined in a series of comprehensive leadership forums held across eight Australia capital cities in the coming weeks. Spatial ‘leaders’ are invited to register with an aim to design and set in motion an innovative vision to realise the industry’s innovative potential.

The 2026Agenda aims to define the pathway for our industry for the next ten years, and the leadership forums are your chance to have a say in that future. Places for these workshops will be strictly limited and will run from 10am-3:30pm in the following locations.

  • Melbourne 3 October – Event Completed
  • Brisbane 11 October
  • Perth 14 October
  • Canberra 17 October
  • Sydney 21 October
  • Hobart 2 November
  • Adelaide TBA – Reschedulled due to blackouts
  • Darwin TBA

The 2026Agenda coordinating working party currently includes SIBA, ANZLIC, the Australian Earth Observation Community Coordination Group, CRCSI, CSIRO (Data61), Landgate, Geoscience Australia, Queensland Government, and the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.


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