The budget promises new infrastructure funding, but ignores next generation of professionals.
Last week marked the official launch of the 2026 Agenda, the answer to...
New Zealand dominated this year’s Asia Pacific spatial and surveying awards.2017-04-06
The winners of the 2017 Asia Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards will be announced...2017-04-03
ADVERTISEMENTProfessional development requirements such as CPD and FPET can now be fulfilled at...2017-03-21
The GITA ANZ and the Dial Before You Dig awards call for spatial...2017-03-14
Feedback for the 2026 Spatial Industry Transformation and Growth Agenda closes 31 January.2017-01-16
Tech evangelist Deanna Hutchinson becomes CEO of the Spatial Industries Business Association.2017-01-12
Two key spatial professional associations, SIBA and GITA ANZ, have now joined forces.2017-01-06
This April, Locate and Digital Earth bring together Surveyor Generals, USGS and what3words.2016-12-21
Now open for comment, the 2026Agenda Action Plan aims to rapidly grow the...2016-12-16
Spatial leaders invited to shape the future of Australia’s most innovative industry as...2016-10-11
The search is on for a prominent leader within one of Australia’s foremost...2016-09-28
Alistair Byrom will replace Glenn Cockerton as the chairman of the Spatial Industries...2016-09-05
The Australian 2026 Spatial Industry Transformation and Growth Agenda’s new revealing report.2016-09-05
This year’s APSEA and SSSI awards have kicked off with deadlines for nominations...2016-07-19
This year the series visits Melbourne, Hobart, Sydney and Perth.2016-06-28
The MoU will see promotion of open standards across Asia Pacific.2016-05-26
Now is the time to reflect on your proudest achievements and most impressive...2016-05-16
Congratulations to DigitalGlobe, CRCSI and NGIS, overall winner of the 2016 APSEA awards.2016-04-19
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The dataset includes 86 million km of roads worldwide and is...Leading geospatial experts say the time is right for Austral...Hexagon says the deal will help set new standards for accura...Australian researchers have developed a navigation system th...Digital Twin Victoria is seeking input from the geospatial s...© 2025 Spatial Source. All Rights Reserved.
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