Spookfish launches in NSW

By on 17 September, 2018

An aerial capture of Sydney’s iconic harbour. Image provided by Spookfish.

Perth-based aerial acquisitions provider Spookfish has today formally launched their operations in New South Wales, with a dramatic expansion of the state’s coverage.

The firm made the announcement today as the next phase of their national rollout, expanding into South Australia, Victoria, and the ACT from their West Australian capture archive.

Spookfish’s enhanced coverage of NSW covers the Sydney metropolitan area, from Newcastle to Kiama and from Lithgow to Manly. Expanding regional centres are also included in the capture regime at the same resolution as Sydney’s coverage, including Albury and Wagga Wagga.

Jason Waller, Spookfish CEO, commented that the company anticipated great demand for aerial imagery as the state undergoes rapid development.

“Sydney has the greatest population density in Australia, and continues to grow with new projects commissioned to meet this growing population. We are very pleased to be able to offer businesses access to high resolution imagery of this unique city, to help drive effective and precise planning of developments and urban areas,” he said.

Spookfish utilises a fleet of specialised planes to capture imagery for its platform, which now offers over 55,000 square kilometres of captured area across Australia.

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