Online map for diggers

By on 19 April, 2011
A new online map launched by the National Archives shows the home towns of World War I diggers and allows people to view individual service records, build tributes, or attach memories to an online scrapbook.
The web map, entitled Mapping Our Anzacs, allows researchers or community members to start at an area and find all the diggers from that area. Previous to this, researchers had to start with a name, rather than a place. Now, any interested community member can quickly find all the diggers that were born or enlisted in their town.
Users can also create an online tribute to a group of service personnel. You select the person or people by family name, or select a group of people by their association with a town. Once grouped together, a unique URL is created for the tribute page, which you can share with friends, town members and others.
The online scrapbook functionality allows photos, videos or other memorabilia to be upload to the site. The collection of scrapbook entries is available at
The mapping service is available at

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