More recipients of the Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards (APSEA) have been recognised in recent weeks at regional presentations across Australasia.
The annual APSEAs celebrate the accomplishments of geospatial enterprises and individuals and their projects or achievements. The Awards are jointly hosted by the Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI) and SIBA|GITA.
Following are lists of the most recent awardees, as well as some other special announcements. (The full list of awardees from all regions can be found on the APSEA website.)
SSSI Individual Award Winners
- Professional of the Year: Zaffar Sadiq Mohamed-Ghouse
- Diversity & Inclusion Award: Adam Mattinson
- Educational Development Award: Jagannath Aryal
- Postgraduate Student Award: Aakash Chhabra
- Undergraduate Student Award: Matthew Killick
SIBA|GITA Industry Award Winners
- Technical Excellence: Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, DSM SOFT PVT LTD, Spatial Vision and Jacobs (Victoria’s Digital Cadastre Modernisation Project)
- Community Impact: South East Water (Delivering Water Quality Through Spatial Enablement)
- Workforce Development & Inclusion: Veris (Veris Young Professionals Program)
- Innovation – Medium to Large Business: Spatial Vision and E2Designlab (Surface Permeability Analysis of Elster Creek Catchment)
- International Partnership: FrontierSI, Ericsson, Optus, GMV, PlatFarm, Position Partners, Kondinin Group and ACIL Allen (5G Precise Positioning Testbed – Demonstrating economic benefits of 5G)
SSSI Individual Award Winners
- Professional of the Year: Martin Brady
- Future Leader of the Year: Jun Wang
SIBA|GITA Industry Award Winners
- Environment & Sustainability: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment and Geoscience Australia (National Land Cover Accounts)
- Technical Excellence: Land Surveys, Transurban, Dibit Measuring Technique and AECOM (Reality Capture for Tunnel Inspection)
- Community Impact: Remote Indigenous Land and Infrastructure Program Office and Stantec (Digital Asset Management Plan)
- Workplace Development & Inclusion: Mangoesmapping (Accessible and Actionable Technical Support Guides for new GNSS survey users)
- Innovation – Small Business: Kurloo Technology (Port of Brisbane Seawall)
South Australia
SSSI Individual Award Winners
- Professional of the Year: Graham Walker
- Future Leader of the Year: Andrew Bembrick
SIBA|GITA Industry Award Winners
- Environment & Sustainability: FrontierSI, Myriota, Department for Environment and Water, SmartSat CRC, University of South Australia and NGIS (SIG Water)
- Spatial Enablement: SA Water and Alexander Symonds (Tea Tree Gully Sustainable Sewers Program)
- Technical Excellence: City of Mitcham (Spatial Asset Clash Detection Modelling Project)
- Community Impact: Veris and District Council of Robe (3D Monitoring of Robe Coastline)
Hydrographic award
On November 4, the SSSI announced that Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand and Napier Port are the winners of the 2022 SSSI Hydrographic Excellence Award, for the project known as ‘Next Generation Charting for Napier Port’.
The Hydrographic Excellence Award recognises individuals or teams working across various hydrographic disciplines, who have made an outstanding contribution to hydrography and demonstrated industry best practice.
Errors in marine navigation have the potential to result in serious and significant health and safety, environmental and economic consequences. To obviate this scenario, the New Zealand Hydrographic Authority has worked closely with Napier Port to develop a high-density electronic navigational chart that supports safe navigation in the redeveloped Napier Port area.
The more-detailed information provided by the chart also expands the range of weather and tidal conditions in which safe navigation may be conducted. This, in turn, supports increased productivity of the Port.
The judges for the Hydrographic Excellence Award concluded that the Next Generation Charting for Napier Port project has demonstrated a high level of innovation and technical expertise, resulted in an increased awareness of hydrographic practices and end-user product requirements and, ultimately, improved the safety of navigation in the region.
Honorary Fellow
SSSI has also announced the recent conferral of a new Honorary Fellow, Lindsay Perry.
Lindsay has been an active champion for the geospatial profession for over 40 years and has shown immense commitment to the advancement of the profession through his contributions to several professional bodies, for which he has held senior leadership roles.
On the international stage, Lindsay has been a major advocate and contributor to the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG). He was heavily involved in the first FIG congress held in Melbourne in 1994 and has attended numerous FIG Congresses and Working Weeks around the world.
In his professional life, Lindsay has successfully run a sole practitioner’s office for more than 35 years. A key part of his performance can be attributed to his broad interaction with allied professions, including planners and lawyers, exemplified by his long-standing membership of the Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association.