The CRCSI Program Overview.
The Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information (CRCSI) has released a portfolio of 15 commercialisation and investment opportunities for the spatial industry. CRCSI claims that the application of these technologies will deliver platforms and systems that reduce costs in collection, processing, delivery, maintenance and the usage of spatial information.
Developed through its collaborative research, the portfolio acts as an intellectual property register with a focus on three specific areas:
- Global navigation satellite systems
- Feature extraction and remote sensing tools
- Big data and applied solutions
CRCSI is an Australia and New Zealand based research and development centre set up in 2003 under the Business Cooperative Research Centres Programme. It conducts user-driven research in spatial information that address issues of national importance and performs commissioned research projects for key clients.
The portfolio includes research into areas such as Sim City for real world sustainable urban regeneration; understanding plant biomass; roadside asset mapping tools that calibrate data; geo-referencing locations on satellite images; open source software that determines forest canopy; LiDAR data capturing for mining companies and local councils; and a toolkit for national positioning infrastructure.
To access the portfolio visit the CRCSI website.
To discuss opportunities, usage and investment, contact business development manager George Curran, gcurran@crcsi.com.au.