Boundless releases open spatial software, Suite 4.10

By on 13 June, 2017

Open geospatial software provider, Boundless, has announced the release of Boundless Suite 4.10, designed to streamline the creation of maps and applications using the Boundless open GIS ecosystem. The company has also announced a new Boundless software development kit (SDK) and contributions to the community release of GeoServer 2.11.

Boundless offers a complete open GIS solution through a unique combination of technology, products and experts, to give enterprises deeper intelligence and insights into their location-based data. The Boundless platform is arguably the world’s first complete open spatial software package, and is built upon open source technology and open APIs that generate actionable location intelligence across third-party apps, content services and plugins.

Boundless Suite 4.10

Suite has been the flagship product of Boundless since the company’s inception. It is designed for solving complex geospatial challenges, managing data, building maps and applications across web browsers, desktops, and mobile devices. Unlike proprietary solutions, Boundless Suite 4.10 offers flexibility and scalability, without complicated and costly licensing models; enabling organisations to scale up or out freely without being penalised.

The updated software, Boundless Suite 4.10, now makes working with open GIS easier by integrating all the necessary installation files, tools, extensions and premium support options. A new integration with Mapbox Styles means that Suite can be used seamlessly with spatial data derived from other platforms.

Key features of Suite 4.10 include:

  • Support on the CentOS 7 operating system, giving users outside of the Windows ecosystem access to the most comprehensive open GIS solution.
  • Leverage modern symbology styles with Mapbox Styles, a modern way to style data that is designed to work across the entire Boundless product platform. This update lets users style applications quickly and consistently across desktop, web and mobile.
  • Designed to work in modern IT architectures, including virtual machines, elastic DevOps architectures, and the cloud, allowing customers to maximize their GIS investment and lower total ownership costs.

“Boundless Suite 4.10 represents our continued commitment to release quality geospatial software on a regular and consistent basis,” said Anthony Calamito, VP of product at Boundless. “The new capabilities in Suite 4.10 make publishing spatial data easier, make it accessible on more operating systems and enable simplified styling of data across the Boundless ecosystem.”

Boundless SDK

Boundless’ new SDK ships with Boundless Suite 4.10 to enable enables users to easily create web mapping applications that leverage the OpenLayers 3 library using Flux and React frameworks. It additionally powers the web application builder in Boundless Desktop, which empowers users by allowing them to quickly create quality applications without writing any code.

GeoServer 2.11

Boundless Suite 4.10 ships with GeoServer 2.11, which has been updated to include improved loading and OGC request times for large installations, making it possible to manage tens of thousands of layers in GeoServer with minimum load times. GeoServer 2.11 comes with increased EPSG support and improved identification and handling of obscure .prj files and directories of shapefiles. These new updates greatly decrease the load time for shapefiles, and allow GeoServer to better support data from ArcGIS.

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