PlanTech partners aim to transform urban planning

By on 23 April, 2024
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Leading planning and geospatial figures are calling for a coordinated approach to digitising and streamlining Australia’s urban planning systems.

The PlanTech Partnership led by FrontierSI with the Planning Institute of Australia, University of NSW and RMIT University, has released two white papers on the transformative role technology can play in improving Australia’s urban planning system and fortifying the nation’s path towards a climate-resilient future.

The papers — Digital Transformation of the Australian Planning System and PlanTech for a Climate Resilient Planning System — make a strong case for change, coordination and investment, and well as detailing specific opportunities for using planning to achieve climate resilience in Australia.

The papers — Digital Transformation of the Australian Planning System and PlanTech for a Climate Resilient Planning System — make a strong case for change, coordination and investment, and well as detailing specific opportunities for using planning to achieve climate resilience in Australia.

According to the papers, “PlanTech is the overarching term used to encompass a suite of data and technology to support the planning industry,” including data analytics (e.g. AI, GIS, cloud computing) and collaboration and visualisation platforms.

Matt Collins, CEO of PIA, said planning technology will play a critical role in achieving climate resilience in Australia but taking full advantage of it requires national coordination.

“Land use planning plays a critical role in tackling major issues facing Australia, including climate resilience, housing affordability, the delivery of major infrastructure programs, and community safety and wellbeing,” he said.

“To make meaningful change in these issues, we need to continue to evolve the planning systems and professionals across Australia, and ensure that technology supports, rather than competes, with these professionals.”

Phil Delaney, Deputy CEO at FrontierSI said people often think only of the ability of land use planning to minimise risks in the defence against a changing climate, such as not building houses in riverine or coastal flooding areas.

“However, planning can play just as important a role in proactively enabling a climate-positive future,” he said.

The PlanTech Partnership is now actively seeking new members to help drive true change in housing, environment and community outcomes through improved planning technology.

Professor Chris Pettit, Director of the City Futures Research Centre at UNSW said the planning sector is undergoing digital transformation using a suite of solutions commonly known as PlanTech.

“PlanTech leverages digital technologies, advanced analytics, and collaboration platforms to revolutionise how urban planners can address pressing issues across Australia. This includes making our cities and regions more climate resilient through better data and technology-assisted planning.”

The two white papers assess the barriers and opportunities for a coordinated, national approach to PlanTech to enable system-wide transformation, and provide a detailed look at the opportunities it offers for both the proactive and defensive elements of climate resilience.

The papers cite the UK’s Digital Task Force for Planning’s report, A Digital Future for Planning – Spatial Planning Reimagined: “An integrated digitally enabled approach to spatial planning can better manage natural resources, consider multiple land use allocations and enable multi-functionality… integrated digitally enabled spatial planning is a key piece in the jigsaw to achieve a just transition towards net zero carbon.”

According to Professor Jago Dodson Director of RMIT University’s Urban Futures Enabling Impact Platform, critical opportunities are being missed and it is time for governments, planners, insurance companies and technology developers to work together.

“Natural disasters are projected to cost Australia $1.2 trillion over the next 40 years. Transforming planning systems to make cities and regions resilient to climate shocks via better data, analysis and platforms can generate huge economic and social dividends,” Professor Dodson said.

“A strong planning system, underpinned and improved by high-quality collaborative research, is the only way to further improve future outcomes in Australia,” he said. “We look forward to working with both the planning and technology sectors to make a real difference.”

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