Nearmap has shared a collection of animated GIFs showing the development of Apple’s new headquarters in Cupertino over six months of rapid construction.
It’s not just you that feels the trip back always feels longer that the trip there. In fact, as CityLab has revealed, the “return trip effect” is well documented, and they claim to know why it occurs.
I thought we were done with the infuriating job of folding paper maps, but according to the HERE blog it’s considered an art. It can be done in many more ways than you may think, and certain folding methods have even been patented.
There’s a lot of hype around the burgeoning UAV market and much of it all seems to be up in the air instead of the drones themselves. This week Drone Analyst ran a practical piece on how to decipher the proliferation of widely varying drone market forecasts.
A very close to home topic for those living in Sydney is rental prices. Maps Mania posted a link to Sydney Morning Herald data journalist Inga Ting’s map and analysis of how rent varies across Sydney and effects the people who live there.
The Carnegie Airborne Observatory (CAO) at Stanford University has been revealing the secrets of forest biodiversity through aerial data collection. By flying their plane above the canopy, the researchers collected various chemical data and performed laser scanning and image spectroscopy to produce these informative and striking visualisations featured on Geographical.
One of the most popular tags on Instagram is “#sunset,” simply because this natural phenomena tempts us to reach for our smartphones almost daily. Maps Mania has collated three websites that cleverly visualise these sunset/sunrise photos on global maps.
Dronelife has shared an African safari video shot by Aussies Scout Aerial that is as comprehensive as it is controversially close to the animals. Confusing also is the use of Aboriginal Australian artist Gurrumul’s song in an a video featuring Africa exclusively. Nevertheless, an amazing video and definitely worth the watch.