Victorian Newtech Conferences for 2015

By on 24 March, 2015

Newtech Conferences 2015

The Newtech series of conferences provide people across rural and regional Victoria with information on the latest technologies in land information and land management.

Organised and hosted by Information Services Division, of the Department of Environment & Primary Industries, with the assistance of Spatial Industry Business Association (SIBA) & the Geography Teachers Association of Victoria (GTAV).

This unique conference circuit has been bringing together land information experts and trade exhibitors to regional centres since 1997. There is also an emphasis on highlighting local regional applications and developments.

Now in their Seventeenth year, Newtech conferences have attracted more than 5,300 delegates primarily from people from the list below.

The next Newtech Conference will be held in Bendigo on 23 April 2015, and will have the theme: Emergency Management – Planning & Recovery.

You can download a conference program here [PDF].

The program is particularly targeted towards individuals or businesses that want to learn how spatial information can enhance their business, including:

  • users of business information who would like to know what spatial information can do for you
  • spatial information users
  • state government departments
  • local government land and catchment facilitators
  • surveyors
  • disaster and emergency managers
  • information managers
  • communication managers
  • researchers
  • environmentalists
  • valuers
  • natural resource managers
  • land developers
  • GIS analysts.

There is increasing attendance by non-spatial individuals and businesses matching the changing landscape from spatial centric to an information and communications focus where spatial is a critical part.

For further information about future Newtech programs or sponsorship opportunities, please contact Jeffrey Green on (03) 9637 9760 or e-mail or visit the Newtech Conferences website.

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