3 December: 329126; Wildlife Licensing System Project. Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Victoria.
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) is seeking to identify potential suppliers with the appropriate capabilities and experience to develop a new wildlife licensing system that improves accountability, efficiency and effectiveness and supports the Victorian Government’s Digital Strategy.
Approximately 25,000 licences, permits and authorisations are issued annually by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) under the Wildlife Act 1975. A project is being initiated to replace existing systems with a consolidated licensing management platform.
+61 (0)3 9637 9795, wildlifelicensing@delwp.vic.gov.au.
The Queensland Government is seeking Proposals from suitably qualified suppliers to enter into a Pre-Qualified Supplier Arrangement (PqSA) for the provision of Digital Aerial Photography and Digital Orthophoto Production, Airborne Digital Terrain Acquisition and Digital Elevation Model Generation across the State of Queensland. The Services are to be provided to the Imagery Coordination Group within DNRM, and relate to the capture, generation, processing and delivery of the specified data above.
Lori Wang DNRM, +61 (0)7 3330 6179, lori.wang@ehp.qld.gov.au.
4 December: MSQ15084; Underwater Imaging System. Department of Transport and Main Roads – MSQ. Queensland.
Supply of one fully operational Underwater Imaging System. Hydrographic Services routinely conduct Sidescan Surveys of Qld Waterways the system will be used to capture a visual image of targets identified by the Sidescan Sonar.
Owen Cantrill, +61 (0)7 3066 3500, hydro@msq.qld.gov.au.
4 December: Q21-16; Urban Design Study, Land Use Review and Options Plan. Bankstown City Council. New South Wales.
Bankstown City Council (Council) wishes to engage an appropriately qualified and experienced consultant team including specialist open space or recreation planners to prepare an Urban Design Study, Land Use Review and Options Plan (the Study) for The Crest of Bankstown and associated reserves and adjacent land.
The successful consultant team will be required to liaise with the architects of the velodrome who will be undertaking a separate feasibility study investigating adaptive reuse options for the velodrome for future uses.
David Connelly, +61 (0)2 9707 9589, tenderbox@bankstown.nsw.gov.au.
7 December: OEH-547-2015; Services to support design and delivery of an Environmental Data Portal. Science Division. New South Wales.
Services to support design and delivery of an Environmental Data Portal. Three parts:
- Design the future scope, purpose and high level format of the environmental data portal (EDP) based on analysis of government, industry and community user needs; Work in collaboration with any other contractor as required.
- Provide expert advice on the future governance, management, acquisition, maintenance and delivery of data and information products and services delivered through the EDP; work with collaboration with any other contractor as required.
- Develop a longer-term strategy and prepare a business case for the ongoing operational management of the EDP; work with any other contractor as required.
Kristin Auld, +61 (0)2 9585 6772, kristin.auld@environment.nsw.gov.au.
7 December: OEH-537-2015; Review of Environmental Factors, Mungo Brush Road. Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH). New South Wales.
Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) requires a qualified contractor to prepare a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) to fulfil the requirements of Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act), and to take into account all matters affecting or likely to affect the environment as a result of the proposal.
Brett Cann, +61 (0)2 6591 0300, brett.cann@environment.nsw.gov.au.
8 December: BR15050; Environmental Site Representative and Remediatin Monitoring Services. Barangaroo Delivery Authority. New South Wales.
The Authority is seeking Proposals from suitably qualified Respondents able to demonstrate their capacity, capability and experience in providing Environmental Site Representative and Remediatin Monitoring Services, in relation to the renewal of the Barangaroo site.
Simon Bell, +61 (0)2 9255 1729, simon.bell@barangaroo.nsw.gov.au.
11 December: RFT 15-38; Site Survey, Fawkner Memorial Park. The Greater Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust. Victoria.
The Greater Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust is seeking a suitably qualified organisation to prepare a feature and level survey of the Fawkner Memorial Park site.
Contact details at above URL.
16 December: 510380; Environmental Assessment Solution, Implementation Services and Support and Maintenance. Brisbane City Council. Queensland.
Brisbane City Council is seeking Proposals for the provision of an environmental assessment solution, implementation services and support and maintenance. Council is seeking to use this RFP to establish a Preferred Supplier Arrangement.
Matthew Webb, matthew.webb@brisbane.qld.gov.au.
16 December: T15-2218; Adelaide River Floodplain Study. Department of Infrastructure. Northern Territory.
Details and contact at above URL.
18 December: TRANSPORT; Metropolitan Planning Authority Advisory Panel – Transport Category. Metropolitan Planning Authority. Victoria.
The Metropolitan Planning Authority (MPA) is seeking the services of suitably qualified contractors to provide transport related planning advisory services under the MPA’s existing panel arrangement. The MPA previously used the former Department of Transport (DoT) Panel to procure transport related advisory services. Following the expiry of the DoT Panel, the MPA has decided to add a Transport Category to its Planning Advisory Panel. Successful applicants will become members of a contracted panel of expert advisors, with the potential to provide transport related services on a range of projects.
Matthew Thornley, +61 (0)3 9651 9600, Matthew.Thornley@mpa.vic.gov.au.
21 December: 17021677; 2015-487 ART 15/08- Optimal Lifecycle Management of Bridges. New Zealand Transport Agency.
The NZ Transport Agency is seeking to appoint a Researcher to undertake the following asset management research project.
The research will be independent research, albeit guided by a research project steering group which will be chaired by a Transport Agency representative. The results of the research must be able to be cost effectively applied in New Zealand in the short-to-medium term for longer-term impacts.
Ashley O’Connell, +64 (0)4 8946732.