Tenders 1/12/2015

By on 1 December, 2015


14 December: 17022296; Development of proposed metadata standards for 3-waters and buildings. Land Information New Zealand.

Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) have initiated the development of a metadata standard for the components of potable, waste and storm (3-waters) water networks, buildings (light commercial and residential) as a tool for building asset management capability and investment decision-making.

Ben Carlaw, +64 (0)22 637 9092, bcarlaw@linz.govt.nz.



18 December: RMS.15.3111.2248; RFP for Boating Redevelopment Masterplanning Professional Services in Great Lakes Region. Transport New South Wales.

early 2015, Transport for NSW published 11 Regional Boating Plans identifying boating safety, access and infrastructure actions needed to improve the boating experience in NSW. The plans were developed following an extensive consultation process in 2014 involving local councils, boating user groups, waterway users and general public in each region. Of the various Priority Regional Projects allocated for the Port Stephens – Hunter region, the plan identified the need for four studies (contained within this Request for Proposal) to be conducted.

The objective of this package of works is to:

  • Develop a foreshore redevelopment masterplan to direct and schedule future improvements in public boating infrastructure,
  • Identify suitable locations for the maritime infrastructure for the Great Lakes region for future development,
  • Develop maritime boating infrastructure concepts in accordance with the most relevant maritime guidelines and standards, and;
  • Conduct public community consultation and stakeholder engagement activities to record and incorporate feedback for the proposed plans.

Indeewa Chandrawansa, +61 (0)2 9563 8793, Indeewa.Chandrawansa@rms.nsw.gov.au.



24 December: 17038929; Property and Facilities Programme Management. Te Papa. New Zealand.

Te Papa seeks to select and engage a supplier to provide programme management services that will ensure successful delivery of a Capital Works programme.

The supplier must be able to provide:

  • provide a base level of facilities programme management and support services to support Te Papa’s programme to complete essential maintenance upgrades, including a senior and experienced property and facilities Programme Manager available to Te Papa who will be dedicated to managing the programme
  • access to additional support and coordination personnel on an as-required basis
  • access to a network of specialist services and resources as required to plan for, research, create drawings for and or report on building services requirements, and
  • ad hoc resources for building planning, design and drawing resources.

Natalie Ganley, nganley@gmail.com.



5 January: DER689012015; Water Quality Monitoring – Cockburn Sound. Department of Environment Regulation. Western Australia.

Further details at above URL.

Laurie Lush DPaW, +61 (0) 8 9219 9343, laurie.lush@finance.wa.gov.au.



21 January: DPTI028548; Provision of Professional Advice in relation to Development Applications for the Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure (Panel Agreement). Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure. South Australia.

Further details at above URL.

Anita Allen,+61 (0)407 705 220, anita.allen@sa.gov.au.



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