Save the date: Digital twin, cadastral meetings

By on 19 February, 2024
Image credit: © Niam

There are two not-to-be-missed Geospatial Council of Australia (GCA) events coming up next month for Australian digital twin and cadastral surveying experts.

The first event, the annual WA Digital Twin Symposium, will be held on 14 March in Perth, and will give geospatial professionals a chance to learn about the latest developments in this important field.

The second event, the South Australia Cadastral Workshop, to be held in Adelaide on 16 March, will bring together professionals in the field of land surveying and provide an opportunity for them to expand their knowledge of the complexities of cadastral surveying.

For full registration, program and CPD details, please follow the links above.

And for dozens of other geospatial sector events across Australia and around the world, please check out Spatial Source’s events page.

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