Positioning engine-enabled GNSS receiver

By on 27 March, 2024

Trimble has introduced the R580 GNSS receiver, describing it as the next generation in its portfolio of ProPoint GNSS positioning engine-enabled receivers. The company says the R580 provides high-accuracy, survey-grade GNSS performance for surveying, mapping, GIS, civil construction and utilities, through the capture of centimetre-level positioning.

The on-board ProPoint GNSS engine enables users to measure points in challenging environments, such as under tree canopies or near buildings, while the Trimble EVEREST Plus technology can identify and remove unwanted multipath signals for improved accuracy and data confidence. Using the Trimble Maxwell 7 chipset technology, the receiver provides anti-spoofing capability and the ability to track all available GNSS constellations.

The R580 also supports Trimble RTX correction services for RTK-level precision without the use of a local base station or VRS network wherever correction sources are available.

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