Photogrammetry in the cloud: is it a good idea?

By on 2 February, 2024

Optimization of workflows and processing speed often lead to the discussion of cloud processing. Of course, many traditional mapping projects can be processed using local machines. Networking them to facilitate distributed processing can speed things up even more, but there can be scenarios where cloud processing is desired.

It is often thought of as a faster solution, but this is not necessarily the case. While your hardware costs on prem may be lower, they may not be lower than the fees associated with cloud processing. So, this begs the question: is it a good idea to process data in the cloud?

Click here to watch the workshop ‘Photogrammetry in the cloud: is it a good idea?’ hosted by Eric Andelin and  guest speaker Vivian Raiborde, Cloud Specialist at SimActive.

Specifically, you will learn about the following:

•          What cloud processing is, and what are the platforms

•          Considerations in using cloud processing vs local

•          Challenges and costs of associated with the cloud

•          Processing time gains

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