Over 200 individuals have collaborated to identify the priorities and opportunities for geospatial research and development in New Zealand, resulting in guidance that helps connect researchers with what end users need.
The New Zealand Government, through Land Information New Zealand (LINZ), has identified 40 geospatial research and development priorities and opportunities through a broad consultation process involving 14 workshops and over 200 people.
The results of these workshops has been distilled and analysed, and form the basis of the Geospatial Research and Development Priorities and Opportunities – a set of three documents providing an overview of the opportunities for geospatial R&D, and the priorities for research in this area.
In total, the reports have identified some 140 specific R&D opportunities, 40 of which are considered priority topics.
These opportunities were compiled into the overarching research and development priorities, which encompass the following seven specific topic areas:
- Crowd-sourcing
- Data Intensity
- Data Management and Governance
- Fundamental Datasets
- High Value Manufacturing and Services
- Interoperability and Standards
- Metadata
The aim of the initiative is to Connect researchers with what end users have said they need to support their activities, for example helping them find the best spot for intensifying affordable housing, or informing how infrastructure can be managed more effectively.
To access the reports, visit the LINZ post about the matter.