Last chance to comment on CASA drone registration proposal

By on 20 February, 2019

CASA’s consultation on a proposed mandatory registration and accreditation scheme closes on February 22.

Under the proposed scheme, RPAs weighing over 250 grams would be subject to mandatory registration, with an annual fee of $100-160 for all aircraft operated for purposes besides recreation.

The proposed fee for recreational use is $20. Exemptions for the registration proposal include operation at a CASA-approved model airfield, indoor flight and aircraft weighing over 150 kilograms, which are already subject to a registration scheme.

The consultation questions include some background for provisions in the proposal, such as a 250-gram criteria aligning with standards in the US, China, UK and Germany, and the broader rationale to recoup some of CASA’s operating costs from RPA operators, rather than solely a fuel excise from manned aviation.

Proposed accreditation stipulations would apply to all RPA operators over 16, flying for recreation or in the excluded category with ReOC holders exempted. The proposed accreditation scheme involves a mandatory web-based quiz on rules for safe flight to be repeated every three years, with a slightly more detailed quiz for excluded operators.

Have your say on the proposed new regulations before COB on February 22.

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