Gilmour Space and USQ collaborate on rocket tech

By on 4 June, 2019

James Gilmour, Professor Peter Schubel, Adam Gilmour, Xuesen Zeng (USQ). Image supplied.

Queensland-based Gilmour Space Technologies has announced a partnership with the University of Southern Queensland.

Under the strategic agreement, the two entities on testing of new rocket technologies, such as the hybrid propulsion system that Gilmour is developing.

James Gilmour, co-founder of Gilmour Space Technologies, said that the initial research projects would focus on developing space-grade composite capabilities and exploration of new rocket test facilities in the state.

“We believe it’s important to provide more pathways for bright young minds to get involved locally in the global space industry without having to leave the country,” he said.

Material released by the company suggests that a range of other STEM-related activities are planned for the collaboration.

Professor Peter Schubel, Executive Director of USQ’s Institute for Advanced Engineering and Space Sciences said, “This research partnership is a perfect match of space-related capabilities between industry and academia to develop advanced automated composite manufacturing, hypersonics, high temperature flow diagnostics, rocket fuel analysis and satellite tracking.

“USQ’s unique facilities such as the long duration Hypersonic wind tunnel, solid rocket fuel manufacturing facility, composite cryotank expertise and Mt Kent Observatory place USQ as a leading space research Institute in Australia, aligned to the needs of the fast-paced space industry.”

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