GeoRabble Sydney – The Unusual Suspects

By on 2 October, 2018


GeoRabble Sydney happens again on October 18, and seeks to celebrate unusual, unsuspected, and surprising applications of geoinformation and technology.

The organisers are seeking speakers for this event — those with a story to tell about the weirdest, wildest and most out-there applications of spatial tech and practice in under ten minutes.

They suggest examples like GPS for cattle herding, photogrammetry in health, GIS on Mars, new uses for drones — but we’re sure you can get weirder than that.

All pitches and speed presentations must abide by the usual GeoRabble rules, however:

  1. Celebrate each others’ triumphs
  2. Respect each others’ choice – no technology bigotry
  3. No sales pitches – this includes services, software, data, etc.
  4. No company logos or ‘about us’ slides
  5. Keep it short – 10 minutes per talk

The event will happen at the Occidental Hotel on Thursday October 18 from 6pm, and registrations are now open.

Contact the organisers with your unusual GIS story at

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