3tc Software, a provider of software applications to the UK public sector and global emergency services, now offers Cadcorp SIS as a GIS and mapping engine in its MODAS mobile data solution.
The integration marks the start of a business relationship between the two companies – a relationship that has already resulted in sales to two UK Fire and Rescue Services.
MODAS is a mobile data solution that allows operational personnel to have information away from the office, typically in the vehicle. Crews can access up-to-date information, such as risk data, hydrant data, GIS and HAZCHEM data using the MODAS terminal in the vehicle.
David Todd, CEO of 3tc Software explained why they have extended their offering to embrace Cadcorp GIS software. “Cadcorp has a strong presence in UK Fire and Rescue Services, and has a reputation for making it easy to share spatial data. The MODAS system has to be able to collate, generate, distribute and display a brigade’s risk and mapping data in an efficient and user-friendly way. Cadcorp SIS helps us do that.”
Mike O’Neil, CEO, Cadcorp, emphasised the significance of the partnership to Cadcorp. “3tc Software understands the needs of Fire and Rescue Services in operational situations. That level of understanding allows them to develop applications that deploy the right data, at the right time and in the right place to support operational decision-making. Mapping and GIS is an important part of this. At present, Fire and Rescue Services are reassessing their use of mobile data and mapping components following the cancellation of the Regional Control Project. By combining our technological strengths, Cadcorp and 3tc Software are able to offer them a cost-effective and secure way forward.”