Best of the Blogs 7 April 2014

By on 7 April, 2014


LiDAR news has a post on a rather innovative art project based on the errors produced by LiDAR scans. Gizmodo has reviewed their latest show, entitled Nosie: Error in the Void. A beautiful application of this intensely practical medium.


The CSIRO has highlighted the role that they’ve played in the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, including the models that they are using to help aid in locating the possible crash site.


And, in further MH370 news, Ogle Earth has the news that Google has added satellite search imagery to Google Earth to try and help find that most mysterious of planes.


The new blog that seems to be living up to its name, Geoawesomeness, has an interesting post postulating on ‘How cartographers should map Crimea’, which includes the interesting tidbit that Nicaragua invaded Costa Rica in 2010 because a Google Maps border was off by 2.7km.


The Wall Street Journal has a piece on an artist that is using open-source imagery to locate US military drones and their bases. Take that, US spies!


GIS User has a post that provides a bit of information on what form of blogging or social media may be best for your spatial or surveying business. Well worth a read if you’re not sure the difference between micro-blogging and social networks.


Mostly Maps has a funny little piece on Null Island, that tropical oasis that lies off of the coast of Africa, where the equator and prime meridian cross.

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