Happy St Patrick’s day! To celebrate, GIS Lounge has collated a set of Irish-themed maps, including a map of Irish Surnames.
IEEE Spectrum has the latest update to the Galileo satellite debacle: the two erroneous sattelites have been nudged into new, more useful, orbits that will allow them to potentially become a functioning part of the GNSS constellation, pending decision from ESA.
The Washington Post Wonkblog examines the effects of our standard reliance on GPS navigation rather than mental maps, in regards to how it’s affecting taxi companies and their drivers.
LiDAR News has a post on the increasing use of LiDAR behind-the scenes in movie production. Yet another unexpected industry getting on board with LiDAR and helping drive down the cost of this innovative technology.
Drone Life have a post that says that UAVs could contribute US$13.6 billion to the US economy. How much impact will they have here?
GeoHipster has interviewed Frank Jacobs, author of the excellent blog (and book) Strange Maps.
And, to round up, Maps Mania has a map that illustrates the world’s migration patterns. Particularly fitting as I will be performing my own migration in just a couple of months, myself!