Airbus announces partnerships with Planet Labs, Thailand

By on 27 June, 2018

Airbus has announced a data-sharing agreement with satellite imagery purveyors Planet, along with a project to deliver a geo-information platform and pipeline for the Thai government.

The depth and breadth of satellite data products in the marketplace may soon expand following Airbus and Planet’s announcement of a new partnership that provides each with access to the other’s data, and an agreement to co-develop new products.

Airbus says the partnership aims to address the growing demand for continuous monitoring and accurate information, and the relative strengths of both companies’ infrastructure and data assets should result in some unique and powerful offerings.

Planet operates the largest fleet of earth imaging satellites currently active, while Airbus operates the TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X and PAZ synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites that can acquire imagery regardless of atmospheric conditions.

Future customers will be able to access data products derived from these, fused with outputs from Planet’s Pléiades and SkySat constellations, which can offer images with resolutions of 1.5 metres (SPOT 6/7), 5 metres (Rapideye) and 22 metres (DMC Constellation).

Airbus also announced this week their finalisation of a deal to deliver an end-to-end geo-information system for the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency of Thailand (GISTDA).

The completed system will incorporate two earth observation satellites; a high resolution and a small satellite system, a ground segment and development of an integrated geo-information system that involves a capacity building component for Thai engineers.

“The platform will host and exploit multi-source data in an interoperable and integrated manner,  said Dr. Anond Snidvongs, Executive Director of GISTDA.

“The resulting insights will be key sources of information for Thai leaders and will help them deliver Actionable Intelligence Policy (AIP): tools for area-based management and decision-making.”

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