Young surveyors sought for FIG Congress grants

By on 19 December, 2017

Young surveyors looking to attend the 2018 Federation of International Surveyors Congress in Istanbul are eligible for a grant to cover all of their costs under a grant offered by the FIG Foundation.

Fancy a free trip to Istanbul next Summer?

The 2018 Federation of International Surveyors Congress, and FIG Young Surveyors Conference will be held in Istanbul on May 4-1, 2018, and the FIG Federation is offering to sponsor the entire trip for selected surveyors.

The grants will cover:

  • Travel costs (e.g. airfare, train, bus)
  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • The FIG Congress registration fee
  • The FIG Young Surveyors Conference registration fee
  • The FIG Foundation Dinner
  • The FIG Gala Dinner

As for the fine print: the foundation defines young surveyors as 35 years old or younger, or within 10 years of graduation with a Bachelors or Masters degree in surveying/geomatics, and applicants should not have received a prior FIG Foundation grant.

Applicants have until January 27, 2018 to apply, and can do so at their online form, and sending supporting documentation to .


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