SSSI NSW will be presenting a webinar on “The Future of Geocoded Addressing in Australia” and “Cadastre 2034 Powering Land & Real Property”.
“The Future of Geocoded Addressing in Australia” will be presented by Maurits van der Vlugt of Mercury Project Solutions. The presentation will present a future vision for the year 2020, when geocoded communication of location in Australia will comprise the infrastructure, processes and knowledge that enable accurate, trusted, timely and unambiguous translation of a descriptive tag to a place in time and 3-dimensional space.
“Cadastre 2034 Powering Land & Real Property” will be presented by Michael Burdett, South Australian Surveyor-General and chair of the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM). Burdett’s presentation will give an overview of stakeholder feedback received by ICSM and the national launch of the agreed ‘Cadastre 2034’: ‘Powering Land and Real Property Strategy’ – a National Strategy for Cadastral Reform and innovation for Australia.
These presentations were recently shown at the Locate15 Conference held in March in Brisbane.
Name: Cadastre 2034 and Future of Geocoded Addressing
Time: 1-2pm AEST (NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS, QLD) 12:30 to 1:30pm ACST (SA, NT) 11 to 12pm AWST (WA) 3 to 4pm NZST (NZ)
Date: Thursday 4 Jun 2015
Venue: Webinar
Address: N/A
Cost: $60 ($35 for SSSI or alliance members)
Event Website: