15 September: 15961573; Canterbury Aerial Imagery 2015-2016 Aerial Survey. Canterbury Regional Council. New Zealand.
The Council invites tenders for the supply of colour digital orthorectified imagery & LiDAR to the Canterbury Aerial Imagery (CAI) from suitably qualified and experienced service providers.
Iain Campion, +64 (0)3 367 7175, Iain.Campion@ecan.govt.nz.
18 September: 15973613; West Coast Imagery 2015_16. Mawhera Grey District Council. New Zealand.
Further information at above URL.
Les Gibbs +64 (0)3 769 9328, lg@wcrc.govt.nz.
25 September: 16017058; Address Verification and Geocoding Services. Ministry for Primary Industries. New Zealand.
The purpose of this RFP is to identify a suitable supplier to provide Address Verification and Geocoding Services for MPI. This is a unique opportunity to provide a core service to MPI that will improve data quality and consistency across MPI. This service will be integrated with a number of significant applications. This initiative relates directly to MPI’s main priorities in terms of ‘Integrated Information, Insight and Knowledge’ and you will therefore be assisting in delivering our major systems that are central to the success of MPI; Biosecurity, Food Safety, Primary Industry and Trade.
Amanda Butterworth, +64 (0)48194441, Amanda.Butterworth@mpi.govt.nz.