Tenders 15/9/2015

By on 15 September, 2015


25 September: 16470147; ROI : Property Asset Condition Survey. Taurnaga City. New Zealand.

Tauranga City Council is seeking Registrations of Interest to provide services to deliver the condition assessment of Council Property Assets.

Survey results are to assist Council with asset management decision making and to inform the 2018-2028 LTP. The assets include residential, commercial, marine and other community facility types to be surveyed to NAMs standard. Council is interested in responses that sufficiently detail organisations and their ability to provide the Asset Condition Surveying services requested. Areas of significant interest to Council include: the supply of quality of data; the ability to deliver on a timely basis and on price.

Whitney Moughan, +41 (0)7 577 7000, whitney.moughan@taurnaga.govt.nz.



29 September: WS221586; Heritage Services Panel. Sydney Trains. New South Wales.

Sydney Trains manages one of the largest government portfolios of heritage assets in NSW with over 1200 places and items listed on the agency Section 170 Heritage and Conservation Register. This includes both fixed heritage (such as station buildings, signal boxes, residences, bridges, tunnels, culverts, substations, depots and landscapes) as well as a collection of movable heritage comprising railway related objects and equipment.  Many assets are also listed on the State Heritage Register (SHR) and/or heritage schedules on Local Environmental Plans (LEP).

Sydney Trains is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Metropolitan railway network and for the maintenance of selected regional stations used for NSW TrainLink services.   Most of Sydney Trains’ fixed heritage assets are used in the operational rail network to support the delivery of passenger railway services, while other heritage assets are deployed for community and commercial purposes.

Procurement Service Desk, 1300 132 136, tss.procurement@transport.nsw.gov.au.



13 October: T002/2016; GIS Software and Associated Services. Camden Council. New South Wales.

Supply of GIS Software and Services for Camden Council’s GIS Renewal Project.

Anita Winter, +61 (0)2 4645 5108, anita.winter@camden.nsw.gov.au.



22 October: CCW028078; Preparation of a Northern Coastline Master Plan. City of Whyalla. South Australia

The purpose of the Whyalla’s Northern Coastline Master Plan project is to undertake research, assess and investigate, identify and assess options and incorporate into a plan of action that will maximise Whyalla’s Northern Coastline recreational and tourism potential. The project output will be a comprehensive Master Plan for the future development of the coastline which will form the base for longer term development of the area. The long term aim is to identify and develop high quality recreational and tourism infrastructure and activities that will increase utilisation of the precinct by residents of Whyalla and visitors to the region.

Consultants intending to submit a proposal will be required to attend a mandatory pre-tender briefing and site visit on Thursday 24 September 2015.

Jason Willcocks, +61 (0)8 8640 3456, jason.willcocks@whyalla.sa.gov.au.



30 October: 16498310; Metro Sports Facility Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Design Services. Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority. New Zealand.

The Chief Executive of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) is seeking to obtain Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Design Services (the Services) for the Metro Sports Facility (MSF) from a suitably qualified supplier. Please see the attached overview for further information.

Jenna Serfontein, +64 (0)3 352 0974, jenna.serfontein@cera.govt.nz.


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