18 March: GBRMPA RQPD001693; Charter Aerial Surveillance Services Panel; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Qld. The GBRMPA wishes to establish a panel for the provision of charter aerial surveillance, utilising helicopters and/or fixed wing aircraft to travel to, and to conduct surveillance in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. The members of the Panel may be invited to compete for, and/or undertake the Services for the GBRMPA and for other Commonwealth and Queensland Government agencies and departments as required. More detail is set out in the Statement of Requirements
Enquiries email procurement@gbrmpa.gov.au.
19 March: RFP2013-NGL-6-B; 3D Immersive Visualisation Facilities; CSIRO [Aust]. The scope of this RFP comprises the following;
- Hardware including 3D immersive visualisation display screens, digital projectors, videoconferencing integration hardware (if required), interconnection network hardware (between nodes and to Pawsey Centre), workstations (or clusters), audio systems, digital video distribution, controllers, navigation and tracking devices, and switching hardware.
- Software including all 3D immersive visualisation software required to drive the hardware to achieve the business requirements, any middleware, and the installation, calibration, and configuration of any third party software that may be required. The respondent must specify any third party software requirements.
- Installation includes complete installation of all hardware and software, fixtures as necessary, all wiring, and controllers, as necessary.
- Testing and integration, commissioning and ongoing support.
Enquiries contact the CSIRO Procurement Officer on email: RFP2013-NGL-6-B@csiro.au.
2 April: Imagery Data Service; Land Information New Zealand. The purpose of this EOI is to identify interested suppliers with the capability to provide a resilient service model for imagery data: i.e. a service model that delivers easy and reliable discoverability of, access to and dissemination of the imagery acquired by the New Zealand public sector. Information gathered will assist in LINZ securing funds and refining the service scope as needed.
Contact Paul Zhang on email: procurementteam@linz.govt.nz.
3 May: 4716-05; Minister of Defence Awards of Excellence to Industry
2013; Defence Industry Advisory Council, NZ. The Defence Industry Advisory Council (DIAC) established the Minister of Defence Awards of Excellence to Industry in 1998 to highlight and reward the contribution made by industry to Defence. The Awards are presented annually by the Minister of Defence. The award categories are:
- Category A – the provision of excellent equipment to Defence: recognises excellence by suppliers of excellent equipment to the NZ Defence Force or Ministry of Defence.
- Category B – the provision of superior services to Defence: recognises excellent by suppliers of superior services to the NZ Defence Force or the Ministry of Defence.
- Category C – the provision of outstanding commitment to Defence: recognises suppliers who have provided outstanding commitment to the NZ Defence Force or the Ministry of Defence.
For nomination details, contact Rachel McKnight on +64-4-496-0637, or email: awards@defence.govt.nz.