Tenders 26/2/13

By on 26 February, 2013

28 February: 17/13; Asset Management Condition Audit; Adelaide Hills Council, SA. Council seeks tenders for a condition audit and data collection survey for 375 council buildings including halls, depots, offices, and retirement villages.
Contact Russell King on +61-8-8408-0561.


6 March: 10291; Environmental Services; Energex Ltd.  Energex’s vision is to deliver energy services for a sustainable future. This encompasses a long-standing commitment to the community and the environment it evolves in.  In support of the above, the company requires services:

  • Conduct of environmental assessments and production of associated reports,
  • Cultural heritage,
  • Environmental offsets,
  • Vegetation management,
  • Environmental auditing services,
  • Specialised land contamination investigations and reporting.

NOTE: To streamline tendering, Energex uses the TenderMax Tender Response System. DMAX Lite software is required to open the .dtt file.
For assistance with the software, email: inquiry@decisionmax.com.au.
Contact Marie Gammage mariegammage@energex.com.au.


13 March: EC/31; Web-Mapping – Delivery and Services; Electoral Commission, NZ. The Electoral Commission wishes to engage a supplier to provide a new web-mapping system that will be integrated into the Commission’s website http://www.elections.org.nz
It will allow members of the public and Commission staff to:

  • view General and Maori electorate boundaries;
  • view proposed General and Maori electorate boundaries, as determined by the  Representation Commission;
  • find which electorate they live in; and
  • view overlays of voting place locations when by-elections or general elections are being held.

Contact Edmund Barker edmund.barker@elections.govt.nz on +64-4-806-3502.


13 March: OEH-90-2013; Risk Audit and Assessment; NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.  NPWS seeks tenders for a risk audit and assessment of its roads in Kosciuszko National Park.  A critical aspect in the delivery of NPWS objectives is the management of its road and trail networks. This involves routine maintenance of the existing system, and periodic assessment of the risks that the systems pose to road users. This study is targeting risks to users of the roads. The outcomes of the study will be used to identify improvement to road management practices and new works programs that can be initiated to reduce risk
Contact Ted McDonnell ted.mcdonnell@environment.nsw.gov.au on mob: 0429-027-513.


14 March: CT201302; Census of Land Use and Employment (CLUE); City of Darebin, Vic. Tenders are invited for a census of land use and employment (CLUE) data collection of business properties in the LGA.  Documents are at www.darebin.vic.gov.au/tenders.
Contact Robert Minty on +61-3-8470-8418.


15 March: G873-13; Sealed Road Condition Survey; Central Goldfields Shire, Vic. Council invites submissions for a road condition survey. Documents can be downloaded at www.centralgoldfields.com.au.
Contact Graeme Gilmore graemeg@cgoldshire.vic.gov.au on +61-3-5461-0628.

20 March: 450930; Data Communications Solution; Cabonne Council, NSW. Tenders are sought for the supply, installation and maintenance of a data communications solution between council offices. Documents are at www.cabonne.nsw.gov.au.
Contact Jason Theakstone on +61-2-6390-7120.


20 March: JCTC RFT 02/2013; Manager, Systems – Simulation; Department of Defence – DSG [Aust]. The Joint Combined Training Capability is a US- Australian joint government initiative. JCTC aims to improve the interoperability of the defence forces by providing facilities and training capabilities that enhance high end training. It provides live training on Australia’s training areas for the combined forces, and the provision of live, virtual and constructive simulation.  A manager is sought to lead a small team that operates, supports, maintains and develops simulation systems to achieve the JCTC mission.
Contact Terry MuCullagh terry.mccullagh@defence.gov.au on +61-2-6266-1743.

22 March: JCTC RFT 03-2013; Manager, Plans – Simulation; Department of Defence – DSG [Aust]. A manager is sought to lead a small team that identifies and plans future simulation systems and capability development requirements for JCTC to enable it to achieve the JCTC directed outcomes and respond to the demands of the changing training requirements of an evolving ADF.
Contact Terry MuCullagh terry.mccullagh@defence.gov.au on +61-2-6266-1743.


25 March: 1213-0312; Enterprise Information and Communications Technology Panel; Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. The department is seeking tenders for companies interested in joining in the above panel.
Enquiries email: Procurement.helpdesk@environment.gov.au.

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