Tenders 30/9/14

By on 30 September, 2014

9 October 2014: 14-24656; 3D geological framework of the onshore Otway Basin. Victorian Department of State Development, Business and Innovation.

The Victorian Department of State Development, Business and Innovation seeks tender submissions for the development of a 3D geological model of the onshore Otway Basin. The overall objective of the project is to provide an up-to-date regional 3D geological framework model (including stratigraphic surfaces and structural features) of the onshore Otway Basin to inform groundwater studies.

Technical enquiries: Dr Louise Goldie Divko louise.goldiedivko@dsdbi.vic.gov.au.



13 October 2014: 001 – OPEN DATA – PREMIERS INNOVATION INITIATIVE. NSW Government Premier & Cabinet.

The NSW Government is seeking ideas on how to create new value from government data, or fast-track the release of de-identified government data.

Contact NSW BUY 1800 679 289 nswbuy@finance.nsw.gov.au.



16 October 2014: 4953511; ROI: GIS Enhancement Software System. Tauranga City Council, NZ.

Tauranga City Council (TCC) utilizes ESRI ArcGIS for spatial data management and analysis.

TCC requires a software solution to enhance tracing and analytical reporting, predominantly for water and drainage infrastructure.

Solutions are to be integrated with Esri’s ArcGIS Platform to be compatible with TCC’s existing GIS system

The preference is to use Out of the Box tools to deliver the required functionality, where possible, minimising customisation and development effort and cost.

The scope of services, once a suitable system has been selected, will comprise the supply, customization, implementation and support of software.

Contact: John Sternberg john.sternberg@tauranga.govt.nz (+64 7) 577 7000



30 October 2014: PWS 0 1405; Asset Information Management System. Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment.

Tenders are invited for the supply of an Asset Management System to Parks and Wildlife Service.  Desirable system functionality includes, Asset financials, Asset register, Works Program, GIS, Mobility, Inspections, and Dashboards. All other specifications are included in RFT documentation. A tender information session will be held at 10:00am, Tuesday 30 September 2014, at Level 6/ 134 Macquarie Street, Hobart.

Contact: Rory Mackay (03) 6165 4455 rory.mackay@dpipwe.tas.gov.au.



31 October 2014: 002 – CONGESTION – PREMIERS INNOVATION INITIATIVE. NSW Government Premier & Cabinet.

The NSW Government is seeking expressions of interest for proposals to reduce congestion in hot spots across Sydney’s roads.

Contact Transport Shared Services Procurement Help Desk:  1300 132 136 tss.procurement@transport.nsw.gov.au.

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