16 February 1:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+13:00): EOI-PACP-2015; Pacific Aeronautical Charting & Procedures
The New Zealand Aid Programme, managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), is seeking expressions of interest (EOIs) from suitably qualified and experienced organisations/companies/Individuals to undertake the following Services for 38 aerodromes listed in Appendix A:-
- Aeronautical geometric surveys.
- Aeronautical obstacle surveys.
- Analyse and develop Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Approaches.
- Perform Flight Inspections (i.e. flight evaluations of approach charts & procedures and Calibration Flights).
- Manage the aeronautical data and publish this information to Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) version 5.1 specifications, in the applicable Aeronautical Information electronic formats and Aeronautical Information Publications (AIP).
Supplier Profile
MFAT is looking to identify a company that may complete the services in its entirety, or identify a lead company that will manage the services as a consortium. For example the consortium may consist of an engineering company (i.e. New Zealand or local Pacific Island firm) which may perform the survey work and another which may deliver the calibration flight inspection services.
If your company has proven experience in managing quality aeronautical and surveying services to internationally recognised standards and specifications and has a reputation of competency and reliability in one or more of the outputs defined, MFAT would like to hear from you.
Interested lead companies will need to demonstrate experience of managing similar projects and MFAT will carry out due diligence during its procurement process to ensure the applicants have the capacity and capability to successfully deliver the Services and manage New Zealand Government Aid funding.
MFAT ideally would like to contract with a Lead Supplier (company) who will work with other organisations (either as sub-contractors or consortia members) delivering specialist services required under the Project, and who can either undertake manage the maintenance of the completed Aerodrome Charts & Procedures or work with an Aerodrome Charts & Procedures Provider.
Contact: IDG Submissions – submissions@mfat.govt.nz
19 Feb 2015 2:00 PM AEDT Melbourne, Victoria: HC3966; Hospital heliport flight path protection
The Department of Health & Human Services is seeking to engage technical town planning and aviation consultants to protect the flight path of heliports on public hospital grounds from inappropriate development.
Contact: Nicole Burge, tel. (03) 90961545 or email nicole.burge@health.vic.gov.au
28 Apr 2015 12:00 pm (ACT Local time): DMOESD/RFT0009/2015; Wideband Satellite Capability – Satellite Ground Station East & Network Management System
Inviting tenders for the JP2008PH5B2 Wideband Satellite Capability – Satellite Ground Station East (SGS-E) & Network Management System (NMS).
Phase 5B2 (JP2008PH5B2) will deliver a Satellite Ground Station in the East of Australia (SGS-E) for the Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) program and a Wideband SATCOM Network Management System (NMS).
Contact: Mark Warren – email: JP2008.PH5B2@defence.gov.au