Tenders 24/9/13

By on 24 September, 2013

1 October: TCN027/13; Surveying Services; City of Port Adelaide Enfield, SA. Council seeks tenders for these services.

Contact Robert Tiggemann on +61-8-8405-6733.



2 October: TMR2013; Personal Location Tracking Devices and Associated Services; Department of Transport and Main Roads, Qld. TMR seeks tenders for a solution for tracking the location of employees working alone or in remote locations throughout Queensland, and communicating quickly and effectively for the purposes of ensuring safety at all times. The solution is to include: personal GPS tracking devices; a centralised monitoring system; and underlying telecommunications data carriage services.

Contact Terri Simpson on +61-7-3066-6924, or email: <TMR2013@tmr.qld.gov.au>.



8 October: UW330084; Surveying Services; Unitywater, Qld. Tenders are sought for surveying services.

Contact Greg Burnett on email: <forums@unitywater.com>.



9 October: WAPOL02513; Server Virtualisation Software, Maintenance and Support; Western Australia Police. Tenders are sought for these services.

For documents, contact Neil Burgess <neil.burgess@finance.wa.gov.au> on +61-8-6551-1522; technical enquiries to Raja Sheryar <raja.sheryar@police.wa.gov.au> on +61-8-6229-5258.



11 October: PPB1045; Moreton Bay West Corridor Study; Department of Transport and Main Roads, Qld. Tenders are sought for transport planning and modelling services for the above study.

Contact Simon Honywood <simon.j.honywood@tmr.qld.gov.au>.



11 October: 13/12; Supply of Vehicle Tracking System; Northland Regional Council, NZ. NRC invites expressions of interest for supply and implementation of a tracking system for part of its vehicle fleet, to assist with fleet management and to provide a level of security for staff. NRC currently has tracking units in 10 vehicles. It is now undertaking a review of its systems due to changing requirements and improved technology. Most important is the ability of any system to track council staff working in remote areas where mobile phone coverage is patchy or even non-existent. A further opportunity to supply tracking units for a fleet of passenger service vehicles may be available.

Enquiries phone: +64-9-470-1102, or email: <peternelm@nrc.govt.nz>.



16 October: 30/2013; Hydraulic Assessment; Blacktown City Council, NSW.

Council invites tenders for a contract for the supply of a hydraulic assessment for the Eastern Creek Catchment development scenario. Documents are at www.tenders.nsw.gov.au/wsroc.

Contact John Molteno <John.Molteno@blacktown.nsw.gov.au> on +61-2-9839-6315.



16 October: 21415CT; Data Collection and Condition Survey; Baw Baw Shire Council, Vic. Council seeks tenders for the collection of inventory and condition assessment data of its open space system. Download documents at www.bawbawshire.vic.gov.au.

Enquiries phone council switchboard on: +61-3-5624-2411, or email: <bawbaw@bawbawshire.vic.gov.au>.



22 October: DEWNR024680; Spatial Imagery Services [Preferred Supplier Panel]; Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, SA. DEWNR seeks applications for inclusion on a panel of suppliers to provide spatial imagery services. This may include: aerial imagery; high resolution satellite imagery; large format precision film scanning; aerotriangulation; creation of orthophotography; creation of digital elevation models (precision and non precision); and value added services (including image analysis, product delivery, emergency response).

Contact James Cameron on +61-8-8463-3944, or email:  <dewnr.data_acquisition@sa.gov.au>.



22 October: CUA1400808; Information and Communication Technology Services [Contract Refresh]; Department of Finance, WA.  An information briefing session will be held on 27 September in Osborne Park.

Contact Susan Madgwick on +61-8-6551-1517, or email <ictservices@finance.wa.gov.au>.



23 October: CON/13/47; Geographic Information System; Bayside City Council, Vic. Council seeks tenders for the supply and implementation of a GIS, including design, installation and configuration, and integration with key council systems such as Civica Authority and TRIM records management. Documents are at www.tenderlink.com/bayside.

Enquiries phone council switchboard on +61-3-9599- 4444, or email: <enquiries@bayside.vic.gov.au>.




23 October: TfNSW 2013/040; Cooperative Intelligent Transport Equipment; Transport NSW.  TfNSW is to undertake a project which uses Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems technology.  This project will initially equip approximately 30 trucks and five light vehicles with Dedicated Short Range Communication devices.  In addition, at least five roadside locations will be instrumented with DSRC equipment. TfNSW will be responsible for installing the units and this RFP is only for the supply and support of those units.

Contact Paul Tyler <Paul.Tyler@transport.nsw.gov.au> on mob: 0468-426-299.



28 October: DNRM1316; Seismic Scanning; Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Qld. DNRM requires the provision of scanning seismic of hardcopy data.

Contact Sarah Eastes <sarah.eastes@ehp.qld.gov.au>.


30 October: RMS.13.2587.1999; Vacancy Measurement System for the Smart Rest Area C-ITS Trial; Roads and Maritime Services, NSW. The NSW government is implementing the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program to improve existing or build additional roadside facilities for long distance truck drivers. The Smart Rest Area Cooperative Intelligent Transport System Trial on Newell Highway between Narrabri and Gilgandra proposes to explore the use of C-ITS to assist heavy vehicle drivers to locate rest areas. The project will also explore the feasibility of integrating this technology with existing systems including electronic work diaries. To undertake this program, Roads and Maritime Services seeks tenders for the design, supply, installation and maintenance of the Vacancy Measurement System component of the trial.

Contact Monique Naranjilla on +61-2-8837-0316, or email: <ITSP_eTenders@rms.nsw.gov.au>.



5 November: 1301358; Hand Held / Mobile Penalty Issuing Technology Solutions; Office of State Revenue – DFS [Aust]. Standing Offer Agreements are sought for the provision of SDRO Customers to procure the products and services when they choose to progress to mobile / handheld technology.

Contact George Duval <george.duval@osr.nsw.gov.au> on +61-2-8820-3934.


29 May, 2014: FIN11/APP034-C; Data Centre as a Service Multi Use List for Cloud, Cloud-Like and Managed Computing Services [re-advertised]; Australian Government Information Office. AGIMO is inviting organisations to submit applications for inclusion to join the DCaaS Multi Use List. The MUL will be open to FMA Act agencies and CAC Act agencies, as well as Australian state and territory governments and other Commonwealth bodies. The purpose is to create a method of supplying Cloud and Cloud-Like services to agencies. The three basic types of cloud service offerings available through the MUL are: Software as a Service; Platform as a Service; and Infrastructure as a Service, as defined by the Cloud Computing Strategic Direction Paper. AFIs can be submitted to <datacentres@finance.gov.au> at any time.

Enquiries to DCaaS MUL Contact Officer on +61-2-6215-3081, or email: <datacentres@finance.gov.au>.



30 June 2014: VP2013; Victoria Police Annual Procurement Plan 2013/2014; Victoria Police. A procurement plan to provide advance notice of tenders will be released during the remainder of the 2013/14 financial year.

Enquiries to Ken Tuke <ken.tuke@police.vic.gov.au> on +61-3-9247-3759.


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