Closing 23 February: 17192123; 2016/17 Research Programme. New Zealand Transport Agency.
The NZ Transport Agency, in consultation with other land transport decision makers for the Research Programme, namely the Ministry of Transport and Local Government NZ, has developed research topics for the 2016/17 Research Programme, which it will be seeking proposals for during the coming months. In order to provide the sector with an indication of the research topics, the list of proposed research topics is available at .
Corporate Procurement,
Closing 25 February: DSR0216; A Strategic Blueprint for the Development of Trails in Western Australia 2016 – 2021. Department of Sport and Recreation. Western Australia.
The current WA Trails Strategy expires in 2015 and the Trails Reference Group (TRG) has endorsed the need for a new six year blueprint through to 2021. The blueprint will provide guidance for the sustainable development, provision, management, maintenance, resourcing and promotion of trails throughout Western Australia. This will include:
- Emerging trends in trails types, usage, maintenance, promotion or resourcing;
- The potential social, health and economic impact of trails in WA;
- Future environmental, access and sustainability challenges and opportunities;
- Potential partnering or cross referencing in agendas such as tourism, education, health and transport;
- Cultural, heritage and interpretation; and
- Participation challenges towards 2021.
Steve Bennett, +61 (0)8 94929700,
Closing 25 February: 27206.230; Environmental Auditor and Geotechnical Inspection and Testing GITA Third Party Construction Assurance Services for the Construction of Cell 1 at MLRMC. Territory and Municipal Services Directorate. Australian Capital Territory.
Environmental Auditor and Geotechnical Inspection and Testing GITA Third Party Construction Assurance Services for the Construction of Cell 1 at MLRMC.
Peter Dickson, +61 (0)2 62072590,
Closing 1 March: TfNSW 2016/008; Intelligent Condition Monitoring Data Analysis System. Transport for New South Wales.
As part of the Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) business transformation project that Sydney Trains is currently implementing, there is a requirement for the EAM system to integrate into various existing and future railway Asset Condition Monitoring systems to help reach the vision of having a world class Intelligent Asset Management System. This RFI process is to be used to engage industry and investigate what established & proven solutions are available for an intelligent integration layer to bring together information from the currently disparate condition monitoring systems within Sydney Trains, perform intelligent analysis on the data and feed that information into EAM (SAP based) for further asset planning and maintenance activities.
Sean McNulty, +61(0)2 8574 3469,
Closing 3 March: 329546; Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) Panel of Providers. Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Victoria.
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DEWLP) is seeking to establish a panel of providers for Remote Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) to assist with the delivery of DELWP services across Victoria.
Contact details at above URL.
Closing 3 March: PRO1216; Landgate – Midland | MAPPING OF DISTRIBUTION BOARD, Programmed Facility Management. Western Australia.
Programmed Facility Management (PFM) on behalf of the Building Management and Works (BMW) and Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate) are seeking Tenders from suitably qualified and experienced contractors to undertake the Mapping of the Distribution Boards at Landgate Midland.
Phillip Smith, +61 (0)447 905 008,
Closing 4 March: 17210750; Review of Structure and Format of Regional Plans and Interaction with District Plans. Ministry for the Environment. New Zealand.
The Ministry requires skilled planning practitioners with a thorough understanding of regional and district plans to undertake an analysis of the structure and format, terminology, and map layers used in regional plans, and of how regional plans interact with district plans, with a view to developing options for the proposed national planning template.
Erin Oldfield,
Closing 4 March: 17191253; Detailed Design Supplier Panel for Urban Cycleway Programme 2015 till 2018. Auckland Transport. New Zealand.
This Request for Proposal (RFP) is issued for Auckland Transport (AT). The intention of this process is to establish a panel of six (6) suppliers, subject to the overall ratings of the quality attributes, for the provision of detailed design professional services for the projects identified in the Urban Cycleway Programme between 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2018, and other similar walking and cycling projects during the same period of time.
Marthelet Greyling,
Closing 4 March: UW340313C0008C0956C1; Site Audit Services – Trenchless Construction. Unitywater. Queensland.
This Contract UW340313 is to provide technical input into tender evaluation and for the supply of review and audit (monitoring) specialist services to monitor and report on the trenchless construction works associated with these two OD900mm PE100 sewer rising mains totalling approximately 5,730 metres in length.
Damian Snell,
Closing 8 March: ACC038889; Road Pavement Rehabilitation Design Services. Adelaide City Council. South Australia.
Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services.
Closing 9 March: DOW1915; Construction of a Numerical Groundwater Model for the West Canning Basin. Department of Water. Western Australia.
The Department of Water requires the development of a new numerical groundwater model of the West Canning Basin. The new model must represent the Customer’s current conceptual understanding of the groundwater system and be developed as a predictive tool for providing essential guidance for DoW groundwater management.
Eilishia Bardoe, +61 (0)8 63647434,
Closing 9 March: DOW1915; Construction of a Numerical Groundwater Model for the West Canning Basin. Department of Water. Western Australia.
The Department of Water requires the development of a new numerical groundwater model of the West Canning Basin. The new model must represent the Customer’s current conceptual understanding of the groundwater system and be developed as a predictive tool for providing essential guidance for DoW groundwater management.
Eilishia Bardoe, +61 (0)8 63647434,
Closing 14 March: D15-0288; Panel Contract – Provision of Soil Sampling Analysis for a Period of 36 Months. Department of Land Resource Management. Northern Territory.
Further details and contacts at above URL.
Closing 14 March: 17208005; Investigation into the feasibility and implication of a Minimum Gap rule for drivers overtaking people on Bikes in NZ. New Zealand Transport Agency.
This Request for Proposal (RFP) invites suitably qualified suppliers to submit research proposals on the feasibility and implications of introducing a mandatory minimum overtaking gap between motorists and people on bikes. A key component of this research will include field work and data collection on the current behaviours of motorists overtaking people on bikes. Alternatives such as behaviour change programmes (or complimentary measures) that sit alongside existing or new legal measures will also be considered.
Kajal Parbhu,
Closing 14 March: 17208485; Surveying of Irishman Creek Station, Mackenzie District, for Tenure Review. Land Information New Zealand.
Landward Management Limited on behalf of Land Information New Zealand invite registered surveyors to tender for the surveying of Irishman Creek Station, located approximately 14km southwest of Lake Tekapo township.
Graeme Franklyn, +64 (0)3 467 7094,
Closing 21 March: 17177987; Opotiki Harbour Development Project-Investigation, Design and Construction Works. Opotiki District Council. New Zealand.
Opotiki District Council wishes to advise that in mid-February 2016 it intends to invite expressions of interest for the Opotiki Harbour Development Project-Investigation, Design and Construction Works.
John Galbraith, +64(0)274 458 839,
Closing 8 April: 17207779; Notice of Intent for Major Cycleways Routes Physical Works Panels. Christchurch City Council. New Zealand.
Christchurch City Council are intending to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to the open market for two Panels of Contractors who will tender for and complete the physical works for the Major Cycleway Routes. Currently the Council is seeking to appoint three contractors for each of the panels, this is subject to change during Tender process.
Colin S Hill, +64 (0)3 941 5075.