Tenders 12/1/2016

By on 12 January, 2016


12 January: CPAE028615; Road Pavement Inspection Services. City of Port Adelaide Enfield. South Australia.

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield is seeking fee proposals from organisations with a proven ability to carry out an automated pavement data capture of all Local Government Roads within the Council area. The project includes a rolling photographic imagery capture, spatial verification of network, desktop analysis and measure of pavement defects, and import and export of data tables. Council does not require the Contractor to perform a Condition Rating Inspection. The project involves only the identification and measure of specified defect types, verification of segment data, and rolling photographic imagery.

James Nenke, +61 (0)8 8405 6992.



15 January: 02221EOI; Provision of Services for the Quantification of Reservoir Storage Capacity. Seqwater. Queensland.

Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority trading as Seqwater invites qualified organisations to submit an Expression of Interest for the Quantification of Reservoir Storage Capacity.

Contact details at above URL.



15 January: Q16001; Port of Hay Point Comprehensive Beneficial Reuse Assessment. North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited. Queensland.

North Queensland Bulk Ports is seeking Proposals for a service provider to undertake a comprehensive investigation of the feasibility of beneficial reuse of the marine sediments that naturally accumulate in the navigational areas of the Port of Hay Point.   The project will involve the collection of samples, analysis of engineering properties and feasibility assessments.

Leesa O’Dempsey, +61 (0)7 3011 7932, LODempsey@nqbp.com.au.



15 January: TMRFAPRFQ1010; Richmond Alternate Rail Loading Planning Study. Department of Transport and Main Roads – Policy & Planning. Queensland.

The Department of Transport and Main Roads invites offers from professional services providers to undertake a preliminary design planning study for a scalable alternative rail loading facility at Richmond.

The objective of this study is to prepare a preliminary planning study report for an alternate cattle rail loading facility at Richmond, which can be expanded in future to accommodate the loading of other freight originating from the Region, including containerised freight. RSC and TMR will actively engage with the consultant throughout the entirety of the study.

Darrin Vance +61 (0)7 3066 1424, darrin.z.vance@tmr.qld.gov.au.



15 January: Q16002; Port of Hay Point Environmental Values Assessment, North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited. Queensland.

The Queensland Government is seeking Proposals for a service provider to comprehensively evaluate, assess and document the environmental values at the Port of Hay Point and surrounds.

Leesa O’Dempsey, +61 (0)7 3011 7932, LODempsey@nqbp.com.au.



15 January: DNRM1015; Cadastral and Geodetic Services Systems Review – Early Market Engagement. Department of Natural Resources and Mines. Queensland.

The Land and Spatial Information (LSI) division of the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) manage a suite of land-related information systems to support land administration, mining, construction, emergency services, agriculture and other activities in Queensland.  These include:

  • Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB)
  • Computer Inventory of Survey Plans (CISP)
  • Survey Control Database (SCDB)
  • Points and Marks Database (SPDB)

Additionally, there are systems within the Department which support addressing, titles, valuations, place names and topography, electronic (digital) collection and lodgement of survey data, and public access to geospatial information (Queensland Globe, SmartMaps).  There are digital repositories to store images of plans and documents to facilitate historical searches.  There is also a mining cadastre that is currently independently maintained.

Michael Lin (DNRM), +61 (0)7 3087 8823, Michael.lin@daf.qld.gov.au .



15 January: DRAFTLG01032015; Capture WA- Aerial photography services. Department of Finance. Western Australia.

Further details at above URL.

Gina Sleeman, +61(0)8 9273 0986, gina.sleeman@landgate.wa.gov.au.



21 January: DPTI028548; Provision of Professional Advice in relation to Development Applications for the Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure (Panel Agreement). Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure. South Australia.

Further details at above URL.

Anita Allen, +61(0) 407 705 220, anita.allen@sa.gov.au.



22 January: 17094070; Cycleway Network Improvements – Professional Services Panel RS-850. Wellington City Council. New Zealand.

Further details at above URL.

Geoff Swainson, +64 (0)4 806 4771, geoff.swainson@wcc.govt.nz.




22 January: URA028572; Kilburn Blair Athol Urban Renewal Masterplan. Urban Renewal Authority (trading as Renewal SA). South Australia.

Renewal SA is seeking an experienced multi-disciplinary team with outstanding strategic and technical capacity to deliver a collaborative, fast paced master planning process and high quality, delivery – focused outputs that will equip Renewal SA with the plan to progress the renewal of the Kilburn Blair Athol study area.

Michelle Burfield, michelle.burfield@sa.gov.au.



29 January: KIC038655; Sealed Road Condition Assessment. Wattle Range Council. South Australia.

Request for Tender to undertake a Sealed Road Condition Assessment for all sealed roads under the care and control of Wattle Range Council.

Kerri Maxwell, +61 (0)8 8733 0901.



29 January: 17082920; Expression of Interest – 15-1030 Asset Management System. Western Bay of Plenty District Council. New Zealand.

The purpose of this Expression of interest (EOI) process is to invite interested parties to register their interest in providing an asset management system for Western Bay of Plenty District Council assets. A two step process will be used to select the shortlisted candidates:

  • Stage 1: being a pass/fail test on the supply of information requested, and
  • Stage 2: being an evaluation of both the suitability of the proposed solution for inclusion as a corporate system within Western Bay of Plenty District Council, and its functional asset management capability, as set out in the attached spreadsheet of criteria.

Scott Parker, Reserves.contracts@westernbay.govt.nz.



2 February: CSIRORFT2015063; Lindfield Building Management System (BMS) upgrade. CSIRO. Australia.

Tender for the installation and ongoing maintenance of a building management system (BMS) at CSIRO Lindfield site.

Procurement Officer, +61 (0)2 6276 6043, CSIRORFT2015063@csiro.au.



2 February: 17105971; WDHB – RFP for New Inpatient Medical Facility – TOWN PLANNING. Waitemata District Health Board. New Zealand.

Waitemata DHB is inviting submissions from interested parties to provide Town Planning Services to enable the development of a proposed new Inpatient Medical Facility at North Shore Hospital.

Whilst the functional brief for this development is still being developed, it is likely to comprise;

  • Extension to the Main North Shore Hospital podium to facilitate patient and visitor movements, clinical service delivery and support service flows
  • New clinical tower building to accommodate high quality, modern Inpatient space
  • Associated enabling and supporting infrastructure

Jason Cauvain, +64 (0)21 520 814, Jason.Cauvain@waitematadhb.govt.nz.



3 February: Q064/2016; Engineering Design Consultancy Service for Camden Council. New South Wales.

Council is seeking the services of a suitability skilled and qualified Consultant to undertake engineering investigation, recommendation of appropriate measure(s) to be implemented, prepare the design drawings, specifications and Schedule for Pricing for the project in Mitchell Street between John Street and Oxley Street Camden.

Anita Winter, +61 (0)2 4645 5108, quotes@camden.nsw.gov.au.



4 February: 328980; Update of the Spatial Query Tool and Routine Update Tool. Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Victoria.

Large-scale increases in some land covers can significantly affect flow in waterways and rates of aquifer recharge, reducing the amount of water available for other water users and the environment.  A significant amount of work has been undertaken by the Department and government agencies in the past to better understand the impacts of land cover change on water availability.  Tools have been developed to provide estimates of actual evapotranspiration (ET) for existing land cover and also to model the expected change in ET due to hypothetical land cover changes.  These tools are the Routine Update Tool (RUT) and the Spatial Query Tool (SQT).  A number of improvements to both the RUT and SQT are now needed to enable their continued use.

Lisa Lowe, +61 (0)3 9938 6813.



5 February: 17105506; Analysis of Policy Options for Urban Development NPS. Ministry for the Environment. New Zealand.

The purpose of this work is to assist the Ministry for the Environment and Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment with the evaluation of options for a National Policy Statement (NPS) on Urban Development, under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). This work will, for the National Policy Statement on Urban Development, inform the preparation of:

  • a section 32 report required under the RMA; and
  • a Regulatory Impact Statement.

Erin Oldfield, procurement@mfe.govt.nz.



5 February: 17102020; Strategic Scoping for Reporting Environmental Impacts on Te Ao Māori. Ministry for the Environment. New Zealand.

The Environmental Reporting Act is a new piece of legislation that sets the framework for environmental reporting over five domains: air, atmosphere & climate, fresh water, land, and marine. The framework involves reporting on pressures, state and impact topic. One of the five impact categories, set out in section 11 of the Act, is ‘te ao Māori’ which should describe how the state and trends in the environment impact the Māori world. The Ministry of Environment is seeking to procure a strategic scoping document to identify national high priority impacts for te ao Māori, determine how these priority impacts could be measured, and whether the data could be obtained from existing work or needs to be commissioned.

Erin Oldfield, procurement@mfe.govt.nz.



8 February: PED00237-16; Darwin – Provision of Specialist Technical and Commercial Utilities Based Consultancy Services for a Period of 36 Months. Power and Water Corporation. Northern Territory.

Further details at above URL.

Contact: +61(0)8  8985 7216.



9 February: 17094343; Building Space and Asset Audit. University of Canterbury. New Zealand.

The University of Canterbury is seeking proposals from appropriately skilled service providers to carry out an audit of all University owned buildings. The key objectives of the audit are to capture accurate data on all built spaces and assets to inform internal decisions regarding future asset replacement and maintenance.

Shelley Ranson, +61 (0)3 369-3302, shelely.ranson@canterbury.ac.nz.



10 February: ABS2015.584; ABS Data Acquisition. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Australia.

The Commonwealth of Australia (Commonwealth) represented by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is seeking offers in response to this RFT from potential suppliers to deliver capabilities which will enable transformation of data acquisition across the ABS.  The successful supplier/s will deliver capabilities to meet the system requirements as set out in this RFT (including referenced documents). Capabilities may be satisfied through a combination of software, hardware and/or technical services.

Kathie Whiting, Tenders@abs.gov.au.



18 February: 329295; Engineering and Professional Services for Asset Damage Assessment, Insurance Assessment and Claims Preparation. Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Victoria.

The Department is the land manager of Crown land in the State of Victoria and is responsible for the reinstatement of assets following widespread damage events such as storm or fire. The Department is seeking responses to this Invitation for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the provision of engineering services to assess and rectify such damage to Department assets, and professional services to determine insurance policy coverage for the damage and prepare claims to be lodged with the Department’s insurer, the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority.

Heather Alexander, +61(0)3 5172 2522, heather.alexander@delwp.vic.gov.au.



19 February: TPD-15-4343; Automatic Train Protection Program – AMS Trackside Site Survey and Concept Design. New South Wales.

TfNSW is seeking tenders from experienced and suitably qualified organisations to undertake trackside signalling site surveys and concept design for the Advanced train control Migration System (AMS) program. The site surveys are to capture the information required to develop the concept designs and Review of Environmental Factors (REFs), to provide information on the condition of the existing trackside infrastructure and its capacity to support installation of the AMS trackside equipment.

Scott Beveridge, +61 (0)2 9422 0563, atp.procurement@transport.nsw.gov.au.



30 June: DPC038674; eProjects Plus portal. Department of the Premier and Cabinet/Strategic Procurement. South Australia.

eProjects Panel has a new portal for suppliers to engage with SA Government agencies for ICT Projects between the value of $700K and $4.4M (incl.GST).

Elaine Taylor, +61 (0)2 8226 5063.


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