Tenders 11/8/2015

By on 11 August, 2015

14 August: Q15014; Hay Point Bathymetric Modelling. North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited. Queensland.

Provision of engineering services to produce bathymetric modelling of the channel and apron paths in the Port of Hay Point.

Stephanie Veldhuis, +61 (0)7 49590714, sveldhuis@nqbp.com.au.



18 August: 14730565; Request for proposals Consultancy Services – Wakatipu Public Transport network review and business case. Otago Regional Council. New Zealand.

The Otago Regional Council (ORC) is undertaking a review of the public transport services in the Wakatipu Basin. As part of this review, the ORC seeks suitably qualified persons/agency to undertake the Business Case and network service review processes.

The project involves the development and preparation of the NZTA required Strategic, Programme, Indicative, and Detailed Business Cases. It requires following the NZTA process to undertake Investment Logic Mapping (ILM) Workshops and preparation of the Business Case documentation.

Gerard Collings, +64 (0)3 4707494, gerard.collings@orc.govt.nz.



20 August: CMT.602015.02; Capital Metro Project Independent Certifier Request for Expressions of Interest. Directorate/Agency Capital Metro Agency. Australian Capital Territory. (login required)

The Capital Metro Agency requests Expressions of Interest (EOI) from organisations that have the relevant experience, capacity and capability to undertake the role of an independent certifier on the design and construction of a major rail or light rail project. The Independent Certifier Procurement will be undertaken as a two phase tender process.

Natalia Prpic, tendersACT@act.gov.au.



24 August: Q15-0444; Darwin – Consultancy – Provision of Consultancy Services for the Development of the Sports and Recreation Master Plan. Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing. Northern Territory.

Further information and contact details at above URL.



26 August: T15-1834; Katherine Region – Provision Of Design, Certification And Documentation Consultancy Services. Department of Infrastructure. Northern Territory.

Katherine East Unit Developments At Martin Terrace And Acacia Drive.

Further information and contact details at above URL.



27 August: CON6001A; Establishment of a Transport Services Panel. Queensland Rail Limited.

This Tender addresses the procurement process for establishing a Transport Service Panel that can meet Queensland Rail’s business requirements for ad hoc transportation tasks throughout Queensland.

Quintin Graham, +61 (0)3 072 0660, Quintin.Graham@qr.com.au.



28 August: 14868456; Engineering Consultancy Services Tsak Valley Mini Hydropower Project. Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade. New Zealand.

The New Zealand Aid Programme, acting for and on behalf of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) is supporting The Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) in seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from suitably qualified and experienced individuals/companies to provide Engineering Consultancy Services for the Tsak Valley Mini Hydropower Project.

The Tsak Valley Electrification Project is being jointly funded by the Government of Papua New Guinea and the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (through the New Zealand Aid Programme). PNG Power Ltd (PPL) is being engaged as the Implementing Agency or Project Management Supplier (PMS) on behalf of and in consultation with the funding parties.

PPL wishes to engage a suitably qualified engineering consultant for the Provision of Hydro Project Management Services. The scope of these services include the detailed engineering design, preparation of tender specifications, management of the tendering process and the subsequent Construction Monitoring Services, acting as the “Owners Engineer” under the intended FIDIC based construction contract.

Mr Grant Hoffmeister, +64 (0) 675 324 3127, ghoffmeister@pngpower.com.pg.



3 September: 14861275; Improving Access to Critical and Authoritative Building Information. Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. New Zealand.

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is seeking information on possible and innovative solution approaches to a business need in the Building Systems Performance branch of MBIE (the regulator).

Currently, users (being practitioners) of the Building Code System have to navigate a variety of websites, search engines, helplines and forums to find the information they are looking for. Search engines and functionality on providers’ sites is variable – users often get a huge list of results rather than a refined set focussed on their search topic. Overall, users have trouble finding resources, seeing the relationships between these resources, understanding how it fits within the compliance framework and trusting a resource’s currency or authority.

The desired future state is to provide a portal (a single point of access) with supporting processes and business rules whereby practitioners involved in the design and/or construction process and will be able to discover and access authoritative and current Building Code System resources, presented in the context of the overall Building Code System.

Connie Zhou, connie.zhou@mbie.govt.nz.



4 September: 14796796; Survey of Mt Gerald Station, Tekapo, Mackenzie Basin for Tenure Review. Land Information New Zealand.

Quotable Value Limited (Rural Value) on behalf of Land Information New Zealand invites contractors to tender for the surveying of Mt Gerald pastoral lease.

This is a contract for the survey of a high country station for tenure review and requires the contractor to be resourced as follows:

  • Proven experience and logistical skills relating to large rural and high country based cadastral surveys.
  • Must be fully conversant with previous types of historical survey field practices, such as chain and compass surveys, that are typically encountered on tenure review surveys.
  • Aptitude in researching and interpreting old survey records.
  • Ability to undertake e-surveys.
  • Adequate staff and resources to meet timelines.
  • Sound financial basis and able to withstand interruptions to contract.
  • Adequate and relevant technology
  • Appropriate Health and Safety Plan covering all aspects of the services including working in a subalpine environment
  • Appropriate quality assurance procedures
  • Training, proven experience and resources for 4WD use and working around helicopters
  • Knowledge of relevant tenure review legislation and the tenure review process.

Carolyne Latham, +64(0)33439029 / +64(0)272033567, carolyne.latham@ruralvalue.co.nz.


8 September: 14920174; RFP: Site Identification and Evaluation, Designation and Acquisition – North Massey Primary School. Ministry of Education. New Zealand.

The Ministry of Education (the Ministry) (the Buyer) is seeking proposals from suitable Respondents (or a consortium of suppliers) for the provision of services to identify, evaluate, acquire and designate a site for a new primary school in North Massey, Auckland.

Further information and contacts details at above URL.

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