18 November 2014: WSPT 2014/17; Biodiversity Monitoring Program. Western Sydney Parklands Trust.
Design and delivery of Biodiversity Monitoring Program. The Program is to provide indicators and trends on the impact on biodiversity due to the Trusts activities in the Parkland.
Contact: David Kirkland (02) 9895 7355 David.Kirkland@wspt.nsw.gov.au.
20 November 2014: MRWA003914; Provision of IRIS Local Government Data Update Services (Perth). Main Roads Western Australia.
Update of Local Government Road Network and Asset data in the Main Roads Coprorate Road Information System, (IRIS).
Technical: David McDonald, Network & Inventory Data Admin (08) 9323 4901 david.mcdonald@mainroads.wa.gov.au.
Contractual: Aniza Zarol, A/Procurement Mgr General (08) 9323 4468 aniza.zarol@mainroads.wa.gov.au.
Technical: David McDonald, Network & Inventory Data Admin (08) 9323 4901 david.mcdonald@mainroads.wa.gov.au.
21 November 2014: AEC 14/001; Office Locator. Australian Electoral Commission.
The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is seeking a web hosted solution that allows End Users to locate AEC Locations (Office Locator Service). The AEC will require the successful Tenderer to host and maintain the Office Locator Service.
Contact: Sukanthan Aravindan Help.VSD@aec.gov.au.
5 December 2014: TfNSW 2014/046; Preliminary Environment Planning Studies. Transport for NSW.
The Service Provider is responsible for developing initial preliminary Environmental Planning Studies and carrying out all necessary tasks required to complete the Services in accordance with the respective Services Brief included in the RFT documentation.
The Service Provider may include agreed specialist sub-contractors necessary to fulfil the requirements of the Services. Where a sub-contractor is included the Service Provider is fully responsible for the sub-contractor’s compliance with the requirements of the Agreement and Services Brief, including in respect of exclusivity where it is a requirement.
Details of the general and administrative tasks and deliverables that must be undertaken and provided by the Service Provider are described in the Services Brief.
Contact: Lily Wong Lily.wong@transport.nsw.gov.au.