ICSM has endorsed a proposed new way for exchanging cadastral survey data between...
Craig Sandy outlines the many SGV and ICSM initiatives and activities in the...2023-04-25The Standard sets targets and a reporting framework for horizontal Positional Uncertainty of...2023-04-18The document outlines the 10-year effort to upgrade the Australian Geospatial Reference System.2022-08-23ADVERTISEMENTPartners sought to develop 3D Cadastral Survey Model and Exchange program.2020-07-29A heavyweight session on recent and impending datum modernisation efforts was packed with...2019-04-24ICSM releases transformation parameters for GDA2020 ahead of delayed implementation.2017-03-07Following the launch GDA2020, Australia’s coordinates have shifted 1.8 metres northeast.2017-02-06Surveyor General Michael Giudici shares new datum adoption dates and predicts what to...2016-12-14New public interest in spatial tech is behind the GDA2020 media hype, says...2016-08-22The international media takes aim on Australia’s positioning divide. But is there really...2016-08-16ICSM’s GDA2020 questionnaire reveals a lack of understanding despite strong willingness to adopt...2016-07-19ICSM seeks your feedback on how Australia’s Data Modernisation will affect you.2016-05-10Stewardship – the collective noun for a group of custodians.2015-10-13This report describes the information considered by the PCG prior to its determination...2015-07-28In response to stakeholder requests, ICSM has announced an extension to the consultation...2014-08-19Feedback on the future vision of the cadastre is required by 31 July.2014-07-15A new standard for the Australian Survey Control Network has been released.2014-03-25
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KPMG has been signed as Delivery Partner, and a data managem...Australia’s free GPS processing service now uses the lates...Trish Scully will become the head of Landgate, WA’s land i...Geospatial research and analysis are critical in providing t...HP SitePrint improves accuracy and speed when doing site lay...© 2024 Spatial Source. All Rights Reserved.
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