Spatial Vision to build cloud-based site for NSW Govt.

By on 29 October, 2013


The Mineral Resources Branch within the Resources & Energy Division of the NSW Department of Trade & Investment has selected Spatial Vision to develop a new Community Map Viewer web site, which aims to provide the public with up to date information on mining related activity.

The web site will provide a range of information on different mining activity stages, such as exploration, and covering different resource types, including coal, petroleum, and minerals. The web site will be designed for easy use on mobile phones and tablets, as well as desktop computers, and will feature mapping delivered using the CartoDB cloud GIS service.

Spatial Vision will work closely with the department and specialist User Experience and User Interface Design companies to ensure the web site delivers an attractive interface and a highly engaging and informative experience.

In addition to developing the web site, Spatial Vision will host the website in the cloud and provide ongoing maintenance and support.

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