SimActive software for rapid processing of drone imagery

By on 14 June, 2018

Sample DSM, DTM and orthomosaic.

Developed by SimActive, Correlator3D™ software is a patented end-to-end photogrammetry solution for the generation of high-quality geospatial data from satellite and aerial imagery, including drones.  Supported data include:

  • All cameras and sensors mounted on UAVs (e.g. infrared and multispectral)
  • All medium / large format cameras installed on aircrafts, such as Vexcel, DMC and PhaseOne
  • Any satellite imagery through RPCs

Correlator3D user interface.

Correlator3D™ performs aerial triangulation (AT) and produces dense digital surface models (DSM), digital terrain models (DTM), point clouds, orthomosaics and vectorized 3D features. It also includes various tools for volumetric calculation, contour generation, point cloud colorization, NDVI map creation and 3D change detection to only name a few.

Powered by GPU technology and multi-core CPUs, Correlator3D™ ensures matchless processing speed to support rapid production of large datasets. It features batch processing tools as well as scripting capabilities to automate processes.

SimActive’s software is used for multiple applications, which include:

Aerial triangulation results.

Surveying: large projects comprising thousands of images

Emergency response: damage assessment following disasters, pipeline inspections

Environment: evaluation of coastal erosion

Agriculture: optimization of yields and reduction of farming costs

Mining:  volumetric calculation for mineral extraction monitoring

Since 2003, SimActive has been selling Correlator3D™ to leading mapping firms and government organizations around the world, offering cutting-edge photogrammetry software backed by exceptional customer support. To get started with a free trial, please visit

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