Save the date: SSSI NSW Young Professionals launch event

By on 1 August, 2018


The Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI) is holding the NSW launch event for the SSSI National Young Professionals Mentoring Program 2018 this Friday, August 3.

The institute advises that this event will attract 15 mentors from the private and public geospatial industry, with numerous academics and researchers from different universities across Sydney also to be in attendance — eager to talk with attendees about their projects.

The SSSI specifically extends their invitation to students and recent graduates, as well as geospatial professionals and surveyors keen to mingle with the new generation of spatial scientists preparing to enter 2018’s workforce — but are keen to stress that the event is open to all, not just SSSI members — even those just there for the free food.

Please register if planning to attend, for catering and planning purposes.

The NSW launch event will take place the Civil Engineering Building L5 Design Studio at UNSW on Friday 3 August from 5-7pm.

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