Pix4D Crane Camera delivers drone data without a drone

By on 1 July, 2020

Pix4D Crane Camera delivers drone data without a drone – daily and automatically

The Crane Camera solution combines both hardware and software to provide a unique solution for monitoring, managing and documenting construction projects. The system automatically collects jobsite information on a daily basis. Unlike a drone, the Crane Camera does not need flying permissions or pilots to fly, and it is fully independent of weather conditions.

How does the Crane Camera solution work?

  1. Installation: Multiple camera systems are installed on tower crane jibs for full site coverage. The number of cameras depends on the project size as well as the location and the height of the cranes. The systems are connected to Pix4Dbim photogrammetry solution. 
  2. Data capture: The camera systems are powered by the crane and equipped with movement sensors, GPS and firmware to collect images when the crane moves.
  3. Processing and results: Once enough images are collected, they are automatically transferred to Pix4Dbim and processed into accurate orthomosaics and 3D models. The results are securely displayed online – ready to use whenever you are. 

What can you do with the Crane Camera?

  • Remotely visualize project progress and facilitate operational planning – display your project in 2D and 3D and quickly verify construction progress. React immediately to any changes or delays and adapt site planning operations accordingly.
  • Identify build errors early and avoid costly rework – overlay your design drawings onto the automatically created 2D rendering and compare the as-built with the  as-designed. Identify build errors or schedule deviations early – before they impact the whole project.
  • Fully document the project and resolve disputes more efficiently – keep a permanent daily record of the build that you can access at any time from any device or location. Resolve disputes faster and more easily so you finish your project on time. 
  • Easily share as-built data and improve communication and collaboration – instantly access the project data, communicate and share the site progress seamlessly with both teams in the field and subcontractors.

Learn more about the Crane Camera solution

Download the ebook

Contact us to try it on your site

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