Pepsi backtracks on CubeSat advertising plan

By on 17 April, 2019

Early press materials released by StartRocket, hilariously featuring Coca-Cola branding.

Pepsi backs away from reports it planned to use a Russian startup’s constellation of reflective CubeSats to advertise in the night sky.

Reports published earlier this week had indicated that PepsiCo planned to employ the services of StartRocket, a Russian startup intending to be ‘the first media in space’, to advertise slogans on a precisely positioned constellation of small satellites.

A few days later, and after a wave of backlash, a spokesperson for the company told Gizmodo that it had tested the technology but had no further plans to take the plan further.

Whilst only visible at night, the advertising slogan would be visible from anywhere on Earth.

A brief video synopsis of this horrifying concept is below.

According to Futurism, who broke the original story of a partnership between PepsiCo and StartRocket to collaborate on the first commercial and operational launch of the orbiting billboard, Pepsi is now denying the extent of its involvement.

Let’s hope that Pepsi’s public relations nightmare intensifies to the point that nobody greenlights this nauseating project in future.

Image: StartRocket.

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