CASA introduces new rules for EVLOS operations

By on 17 April, 2019

CASA introduces specific requirements ongoing approval for extended line-of-sight operations and buffer requirements for controlled airspace.

Changes to the regulation for operation of remotely piloted aircraft have been updated by the regulatory agency CASA, introducing specific requirements for the ongoing approval for conducting extended line-of-sight operations (EVLOS).

This update will be welcome to many professional RPA operators, as compliant organisations and individuals will no longer require per-operation CASA approval to conduct flights in which the aircraft moves out of the operator’s visual field.

The other new rule effective immediately relates to a new mandatory buffer between RPA operations and any controlled airspace above it.

The updated legislation indicates that there will be two classes of EVLOS operation, and that entities applying for ongoing approval will need to submit documented procedures and protocols, handover procedures, trained pilots and observers, with specific radio protocols for the two classes.

Specific operational parameters will exist for EVLOS operations, including weather and visibility requirements, and a requirement that RPA must not be flown at a distance over 80 percent form the manufacturer’s control link performance figure for operations below 500 feet, and not more than 1,500 metres from an observer.

CASA is currently developing a circular and other explanatory materials around the new rules, but the updated legislation is available now.

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