Omnipotent metadata tool

By on 14 February, 2011
Omnilink has released an open and vendor-independent software suite to acquire, sort and present spatial metadata in an ANZLIC ISO 19139 standard.
Omniscient (a 16th century term for having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding) addresses key issues for spatial data custodians — the need to search out spatial data across an organisation, cataloguing data and deciding on which version is the central source, the creation of metadata to a standard, and the presentation of this data to many users. Omniscient answers all of these issues whilst remaining vendor-independent and fully compliant to ANZLIC ISO19139.
Omnilink has developed Omniscient as a server-based system that is multi-user configurable as business needs change. Omniscient is a suite of tools for metadata management, with three components:
Omniscient Harvester – scans, mines and extracts metadata across files, file systems and databases to produce an inventory of spatial and associated data that is the starting point for the establishment of best practice information management and in particular the creation of a spatial data infrastructure (SDI) within a business unit, an agency and the wider community.
Omniscient Sifter – utilises the output from the Harvester to sort and identify the inconsistencies within the data inventory such as duplicates, data orphans, multiple versions. Provides for output in ISO 19139 format, including re-projection of multiple data sources.
Omniscient Metadata Manager – MDM is a web-enabled application that provides enterprise deployment of metadata for the purposes of discovery. Multi-user capability across consumers, maintainers and creators. MDM is implemented using GeoNetwork open source code as the base technology. Site-specific interface configuration is available.

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