Upgraded NSW Survey Marksapp supports toggling between GDA94 and GDA2020 datums.
Available on Android and iOS, the updated NSW Survey Mark app now supports surveyors working with GDA94 and GDA2020 datums, according to an announcement from NSW Spatial Services.
The app allows users to search for survey mark locations and view them against a range of base maps and imagery from the SIX Maps archive, along with coordinate values and metadata.
Surveyors can report on a mark’s status through the app, attach evidence to support the report and download the locality sketch plan for a given mark.
NSW Spatial Services has announced that the new version of the NSW Survey Marks apps has been built on an entirely new platform, and will receive ongoing updates to both Android and iOS incarnations to maintain compatibility with operating system and hardware upgrades.
Download the app at the SIX Maps website.
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