Noise modelling geospatial data and analytics firm, Ambient Maps, and AURIN, the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network, have announced a partnership to deliver advanced geospatial intelligence for urban planners and researchers.
The partnership will leverage Ambient Maps’ expertise in noise modelling, data acquisition and processing and AURIN’s extensive data resource management and infrastructure capabilities.
“By partnering, we are able to provide researchers from academia, government and industry with the geospatial intelligence about noise they need to make informed decisions about noise, and its impacts on the future of our cities,” said Aaron Magri, Commercial and Partnerships Lead at AURIN.
“Our partnership will enable us to commercialise our product with the assistance of AURIN and provide the most accurate noise data and insights to help shape the future of our cities,” added Ben Hinze, Director of Ambient Maps.
The initiative will focus on providing data and insights in areas such as urban planning, health, transportation, and environmental management.
“This partnership is an important step forward in using geospatial intelligence to improve the liveability and sustainability of our cities,” said Professor Pascal Perez, Director at AURIN.
Potential users of the data, once it becomes available, can register their interest.