Under the recent NSW Government restructure, the Land and Property Management Authority (LPMA) has been abolished as a Division of the Government Service.
The previous groups within the LPMA are to be transferred between five new super departments, including:
- Lake Illawarra Authority staff are transferred to Department of Premier and Cabinet;
- Office of Strategic Lands staff are transferred to Department of Planning and Infrastructure;
- Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority, Hunter Development Corporation and Central Coast Regional Development Corporation staff are transferred to Department of Planning and Infrastructure;
- Staff principally involved in the administration of the Crown Lands Act and Soil Conservation Act are transferred to Department of Primary Industries;
- Staff principally involved in the management or administration of spatial data are transferred to Department of Primary Industries;
- Office of Biofuels staff are transferred to Department of Trade & Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services;
- Land and Property Management Authority staff (not elsewhere covered) are transferred to Department of Finance & Services.
The changes instigated by Barry O'Farrell aim to “improve co-ordination and service delivery”, a spokesman for Mr O'Farrell said.