Industry volunteering strategy released

By on 31 May, 2022

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The Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI) has launched the Surveying & Spatial Volunteers Strategy 2022–25, which was prepared by SSSI’s Disaster Management and Recovery Special Interest Group

The Strategy aims to facilitate surveying and spatial volunteerism across Australia and globally. The Strategy document is consultative and represents the first stage in seeking broader input and support for a volunteer program targeted at using surveying and spatial skillsets for community resilience building.

Camaraderie can develop when teams of surveyors and spatial professionals work together to make a difference to the community. This was demonstrated when the international geospatial community joined Australian volunteers to undertake mapathons to support bushfire readiness and recovery after the 2019–20 east coast  bushfires.

Volunteerism presents an opportunity to use the sector’s reach, skills and expertise, and build capabilities and arrangements to support the wider community to prevent, prepare, respond and recover from natural disasters.

SSSI says the aim is to work with existing volunteer organisations and networks to provide opportunities for its members and the surveying and spatial sector more broadly. It will work closely with government and non-government organisations to understand the trends, issues and needs across the sector, which will enable the sector to adapt and develop projects targeted towards volunteering where it matters most.

According to the SSSI, for many of its members the pathways to volunteering are not clear, and the time critical nature of some activities means that opportunities are often missed. There is also a lack of national coordination, and a disconnection between available volunteering opportunities and peoples’ interests.

SSSI says there is a need to make it easier for members of the profession to get involved. In a statement accompanying the release of the Strategy, SSSI said that “… we can’t do this alone. This initiative will require a collective effort to develop the necessary pathways and partnerships to suit the various community needs and preferences of our volunteers.”

Feedback is now being sought on the Strategy consultation document. SSSI wants to know if:

  • it is moving in the right direction
  • the goals and objectives reflect industry members’ aspirations
  • industry members support the underpinning principles
  • individual respondents would like to be involved

Contributions are invited from all interested organisations and individuals, with the closing date for submissions being 31 August 2022. Submissions can be made via an online feedback form or can be sent to

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