Hear about where remote sensing is going at this free Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Remote Sensing (RS) workshop.
WHEN: 2012-12-05 to 2012-12-05
WHERE: M17 Lecture Theatre, UNSW Kensington, Sydney
At the UNSW Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research and the School of Surveying and Geospatial Engineering we are interested in positioning for all sorts of applications; traditionally to locate and re-locate historical land boundaries, for large engineering infrastructure development, to control mining operations, for undersea floor location and oil and gas exploration. In the last 20 years, satellite positioning has revolutionised the way that surveyors and spatial information professionals provide position.
Hear about where remote sensing is going at this free Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Remote Sensing (RS) workshop.
When: Wednesday, 5th December 2012
Where: M17 Lecture Theatre, UNSW Kensington, Sydney, Australia
Costs: Free to attend
For more details: http://www.acser.unsw.edu.au/events/gnss_workshop.html.